Victory Road RPG

Join your favorite familiar Wizarding faces - and some new ones - as life goes on ten years after the war that changed them all.


Posts Tagged: 'char:+katie+bell'

Oct. 12th, 2018


Network: Sup?

Who: Katie & Nora.
When: 10/12/12; afternoon.
What: Catching up.
Warnings: None.
Public/Private: Private.

Heyyyyyyyy )

Sep. 13th, 2018


Network: All work and no play...

Who: Katie, Alicia, & Angelina
When: 9/13/12; afternoon
What: Katie needs a girls' night.
Warnings: TBD.
Public/Private: Private

All work and no play make Katie a dull girl! )

Aug. 22nd, 2018


Network: The Cauldron Inn

Who: Lisa + OPEN
When: Wednesday evening
Where: Proof (the bar) at The Cauldron Inn
What: Lisa works the dinner crowd...
Warnings: TBA

Trust Your Bartender )

Jun. 1st, 2018


Daily Prophet Gossip Column (afternoon edition)


May. 31st, 2018


Network: MM to Alec & Nora

Who: Katie, Nora, and Alec
When: 5/31/10; evening
What: Katie has a minor freak out.
Warnings: None.
Public/Private: Private.

O M G )

May. 30th, 2018


Network: to Robert

Who: Katie & Robert
When: 5/30/10
What: Katie is making summer plans.
Warnings: None.
Public/Private: Private

So.... hi.... )

May. 2nd, 2018


RP: Magpies V Cannons

Who: Tracey + OPEN
When: During & After the tournament game. 5/2/10.
Where: The VIP Box at the Montrose pitch.
What: The Magpies play the Cannons in the Playoffs first round! Anyone who wants to join on either side, the VIP box is the place to be!
Warnings: None.

Tracey settled into her seat with anticipation and excitement in her heart... )

Mar. 7th, 2018


Network: Group Text Chat, y'all.

Who: Katie, Kit, Alicia, Angie, Alec, & Nora.
When: 03/07/10; evening.
What: Katie has a dumb idea.
Warnings: None.
Public/Private: Private

Group Text: Katie, Kit, Alicia, Angie, Alec, & Nora )

Mar. 5th, 2018



Network Message

Who: Anyone Nora and Alec consider a friend
What: Announcement
When: Monday, March 5th
Rating: Low
Public/Private: Semi Private, I guess?

Sort of a few days late, but Alec and I wanted to let our friends know that Grayson Cassius Urquhart made his debut earlier than expected on March 1st, 2010 at 5:18 PM. He's basically the most perfect thing we've ever seen. I asked to keep it to ourselves for a day or two, so sorry if we've upset anyone. I just.. needed some time.

We're home now, and up for a visitor or two. Just let us know beforehand.

Feb. 18th, 2018



Network: Make My Kid Stop Growing

Who: Angelina and Fam & Friends (loose term) - Specific message to Alicia
What: Showing off her little man
When: Sunday afternoon, Feb. 18th
Rating/Warning: None, really
Public/Private: Mostly public


[Message to Alicia]
How are you doing, love?