Victory Road RPG

Join your favorite familiar Wizarding faces - and some new ones - as life goes on ten years after the war that changed them all.


Posts Tagged: 'char:+lancelot+cadwallader'

Feb. 17th, 2018



Delivery to Quintella

Who: Lance & Quin
What: Peony
When: February 14th
Warnings: TBD
Private/Public: Private

Delivered to Quintella's Desk at Victory Road Clinic )

Dec. 31st, 2017



Happy New Year!

Who: Blaise, open to everyone
When: December 31 - January 1
Where: Grand Ballroom at the Corinthia Hotel, London
What: New Year's Part hosted by the Daily Prophet
Warnings: List your own warnings, please

Here's to a good year! )

Dec. 24th, 2017



[No Subject]

Who: Quintella and Lancelot, Nancy (NPC), Auri and Fee (NPC), Tate, Andrew, Evie (NPC), Gen and Coop, ZJ and Hyperion, Adelaide (and Philip?), Quincy?, anyone else who might have been invited whom I’m forgetting! Just tag yourselves in.
When: December 24, afternoon/evening
Where: Quin and Lance’s house!
What: Quin is hosting the big family party. Family, of course, including the people in her life she cares about most even though she might not have a blood tie to them.
Warnings: TBD but probably none?

This was what large houses were for )

Dec. 21st, 2017



RP: Surprise!

Who: Lancelot, Quin, Gen, Coop, Hype, and Zahara
What: Quin's birthday
When: December 21st
Where: Lance and Quin's home
Warnings: tbd

All for his lady love )

Dec. 20th, 2017


Network to Lancelot

Who: Gaspard & Lancelot
When: Late night; 12/20/09
What: Gaspard needs some advice, and doesn't sleep, so here we are.
Warnings: None.
Public/Private: Private.

Lancelot )

Network: Travel Notes

Who: Gaspard, Lancelot, El, Charlotte, the twins.
When: 12/20/09; afternoon
What: Notes from Gaspard to his friends and family concerning New Years Day.
Warnings: None
Public/Private: Private to those listed.

El )

Lancelot )

Charlotte )

Twins )

Dec. 10th, 2017


Network: Middle of the day updates.

Who: Gaspard, El, the twins, and Lancelot.
When: Monday, 12/11/09 (pre-dated!)
What: Gaspard updates El, Lexa, and Olivier, and reaches out to Lancelot.
Warnings: None
Public/Private: Private
Eleanor )Lexa & Olivier )Lancelot )

Dec. 5th, 2017


RP: So what have we here?

Who: Gaspard & Lancelot
When: Tue 12/5/09
Where: Gaspard's flat on Victory Road
What: A meeting of minds.
Warnings: None

witty text here )

Nov. 29th, 2017



Network: Authentic Cauldrons

Who: Lance & Gaspard
What: Authenticating
When: November 29th
Where: Magi-mail
Warnings: TBD - likely none

Subject: Concerning your cauldrons

Dear Mr. Shingleton,

I don't think we have met before, but we have a few friends in common it would seem, and they have been gracious enough to pass along your magi-mail name. My name is Lancelot Cadwallader, and I collect rare antiques. While I was picking up a special gift for my fiance Quintella, I happen to come across a Self-Stirring Cauldron that claimed to be one of the first that you ever made. I was hoping that you might be willing to meet with me someplace so that you might authenticate it for me?

I understand that this is likely a highly unusual request, and I could probably find someone else to authenticate it, but I think it has more weight if I were to get the man who invited it, to authenticate it.

Thank you for your time.

Lancelot Cadwallader

Nov. 19th, 2017



RP: A Dinner Party

Who: Addi, Phillip, Dora, Hyperion, Genevieve, Persephone, Ewan, Zahara, Coop, Quin, Lance, Parminder, and Tate (with the NPC children!) [add your tags, please!]
When: Sunday, November 19, 2009, evening
Where: The cottage
What: Addi and Phillip have invited their closest friends and family to tell them the news, but Phillip has an something more planned.
Warnings: Highly emotional, some references to past abuse

too much, too soon )