Victory Road RPG

Join your favorite familiar Wizarding faces - and some new ones - as life goes on ten years after the war that changed them all.


Posts Tagged: 'char:+george+weasley'

Jun. 1st, 2018


Daily Prophet Gossip Column (afternoon edition)


Sep. 26th, 2017



Network: An Offer

Who: Justin Finch-Fletchley
When: September 26, 2009
What: An offer to the general public, with a catch
Warnings: Funny $hit
Public/Private: Public


A music shop that will be opening on Victory Road
7th of October, 2009

All manner of music both Muggle and Wizard Wrock
Records, tapes, cds and magically charmed players
Computer stations for downloading onto MP3 devices as well

20% off on opening day to those who post their best dance moves and/or lip synching attempts to this ad!

See you there!

Sep. 1st, 2017



Network & RP - to Ginny

Who: George & Ginny
When: September 1st - morning
What: Up for a visit?
Warnings: Language maybe?
Public/Private: Private

MM to Gin: Ginny - I know you have a huge game tomorrow
MM to Gin: Angie has the wee man today and I thought we could catch up - I saw the Witch Weekly article
MM to Gin: Let me take you out? I still owe you giant birthday hugs, and presents, of course

Jul. 29th, 2017



Network: George is bragging

Who: George Weasley - friends and family
When: July 29, 2009
What: A picture so cute you'll want to die
Warnings: see above..the dying of cuteness
Public/Private: Private to family & friends

All behold!!! My son! Freddie! All his mother's gorgeousness, speed and wit and hopefully he'll inherit my precocious nature and sweet as fuck dance moves.

In all seriousness though, have you really ever seen a more beautiful child?? All bask in his glory!

You've all been warned about how damn cute he is, I hold no responsibility henceforth

Jul. 21st, 2017



[No Subject]

Who: George Weasley, Family & Friends
When: July 21, 2009
What: A message from a new family
Warnings: None
Public/Private: Semi-Public

I suspected, but I never never believed. Until now... )

Jul. 19th, 2017



[No Subject]

Who: Angelina + various people
What: Apparently her offspring makes deadlines
When: July 19th
Warnings: None?
Public/Private: Private

MM to George 3:11 pm: I either just wet the floor or we need to get to Mungo's. I'm going for the latter

MM to Ollie and Ter 3:15pm: Y'all better get your little Puddlemere jerseys ready

MM to Alicia and Katie 3:16pm: Obligatory best friend has an incoming baby warning. Sound off!

May. 31st, 2017



MMs: Fessing Up

Who: Ginny, Hermione, George, and Harry
When: Wednesday, May 31, 2009 late (times are GMT cause I'm too lazy to figure out what the timezone is wherever Ginny is in South America)
What: Ginny finds her phone and sees the texts with Ron from the other night
Warnings: Potentially language
Public/Private: Private

MM to Hermione 10:13pm: I'm so sorry about Ron, Hermione
MM to Hermione 10:14pm: And I'm afraid I might have made things worse.
MM to Hermione 10:14pm: I swear on Godric's grave I need to put a lock on my phone for when I'm drinking

MM to George 10:15pm: How is Angie doing? Got the nursery all set up yet?
MM to George 10:15pm: I think I did something stupid the other night

MM to Harry 10:16pm: I'm not sure how things are between you and Ron at the moment, but I want you to know that I love you and Hermione both dearly
MM to Harry 10:16pm: I've made a mess of things again
MM to Harry 10:17pm: I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to encourage him to break you up

Network: Hermione, the Weasleys, DA Members

Who: Hermione, the Weasleys, members of the DA, Andromeda Tonks (NPC)
When: May 31, 2009; lunchtime
What: Visiting
Warnings: None
Public/Private: Private to the relevant parties
MM to 'Mione 12:30pm: Hey 'Mione, last minute but just a heads up that it looks like Teddy is going to be staying with us for the weekend. Andy tries to give more notice but she has to go out of the country on business.
MM to 'Mione 12:30pm: She'll be dropping him off Saturday morning. I'm going to see if anyone in the DA wants to stop by and see him for dinner that night.
MM to 'Mione 12:31pm: It's been a while since we've all visited...

MM to The Weasleys 12:32pm: Hey all, Teddy will be with us at Grimmauld this weekend if anyone would like to come over for dinner Saturday night to visit? Thinking pizza and movies.

MM to The DA 12:33pm: Hey all, Teddy will be with us at Grimmauld this weekend if anyone would like to come over for dinner Saturday night to visit? Thinking pizza and movies.

May. 28th, 2017



Network: Gala Invitations!

Who: Purebloods!
When: Sunday, May 28th, 2009
What: Gala Invitations!
Warnings: None
Public/Private: Mostly Public

May. 27th, 2017



[No Subject]

Who: Ron, George, Ginny
When: Saturday, May 27th, 2009
What: Panic.
Warnings: None?
Public/Private: Private

MM to George 11:58pm: I think I need to move or something. Like far away.
MM to George 11:59pm I did something stupid.

MM to Ginny 12:01am: I've made things worse for everyone.