Victory Road RPG

Join your favorite familiar Wizarding faces - and some new ones - as life goes on ten years after the war that changed them all.


Posts Tagged: 'char:+megan+jones'

Dec. 18th, 2016



RP: Christmas Charity Event

Who: Everyone (whether you reserved a ticket or not ;) )
When: December 18, 2008 - Evening
Where: The Leaky Cauldron
What: A chance to give, celebrate and make merry!
Warnings: TBD

Happy Christmas )

Dec. 10th, 2016



Cheers Butterfly

Who: Hannah Abbott and Megan Jones
When: Saturday night, December 10, 2008
Where: The Leaky Cauldron
What: Girls night in and some catty bitching
Warnings: Language

The Woods Are Lovely, Dark and Deep )

Dec. 2nd, 2016



Network: Uhhhh...????

Who: Charlotte Branstone
When: December 2nd, 2008 (evening)
What: Eleanor arranged for Charlotte to get a ticket to the event. Charlotte is confused.
Warnings: None!
Public/Private: Public

Someone... anonymously paid for my ticket to the Christmas Charity Event at the Leaky Cauldron...???? I mean, I wasn't planning on going, but now... I guess I am!

Who else is going to be there? Any familiar faces?

Dec. 1st, 2016



Network: Christmas Charity Event Invitation

December 1, 2008
Season of Giving )

Nov. 9th, 2016



RP: Pesky Kids!

Who: David Abbott (Ash), Hannah Abbott, Megan Jones, Seamus Finnigan, Liesl Diegenhardt (NPC)
When: Evening -November 9, 2008
Where: The Leaky Cauldron
What: David has a pint, not expecting so much conversation
Warnings: Language & TBD?

Can’t an old man be a creeper and have a pint in peace? )

Nov. 1st, 2016



RP: It Was A Perfect Illusion

Who: Megan Jones and Marcus Flint
When: Wednesday afternoon, November 2nd
Where: Flourish & Blotts
What: Megan runs into her one-night stand
Warnings: Language

Mistaken For Love )

Oct. 31st, 2016



RP: Nope, not going... burned out

Who: Hannah Abbott and OPEN to ALL (new kids & old friends?)
When: October 31, 2008 - during the Masquerade
Where: The Leaky Cauldron
What: Thoughts of crowds are giving her anxiety, also, all the tired
Warnings: Language? Friendly fluff? Shots anyone?? TBD

So much going on this month! )

Oct. 29th, 2016



RP: ZJ Flume's Birthday

WHO: ZJ and Friends (Everyone is welcome!)
WHAT: Karaoke Night for her Birthday
WHERE: Karaoke Bar – Muggle Club in Muggle London
WHEN: October 29th, 2008

Karaoke Night Out )

Oct. 27th, 2016



Network: FideJournal: Pumpkins and Muffins

Who: Lavender McLaggen, open
When: October 27th
What: Lavender wants to do some baking.
Warnings: None
Public/Private: Public

Last night, I helped Cormac carve some pumpkins with Quidditch team logos for a Halloween window display. Now since we've got plenty of pumpkin leftovers I think I'm going to make some muffins later to bring into the office tomorrow. Everyone seems to need a bit of a pick-me-up this week. Maybe it's because it's getting colder and the nights are getting darker?



Network: Public Entry on Wands; Private musings on wands

Who: Theo, Public
When: 4am, Thursday 27th October, as insomnia strikes
What: Research for work?
Warnings: None
Public/Private: Public (and Private)

Does anyone still use the first wand they were given? And how many of those were inherited?

Of those on their second or more wands, were your first wands broken or lost? Accident or trauma? Were the rest of your wands the same in wood and core?

Private )