Victory Road RPG

Join your favorite familiar Wizarding faces - and some new ones - as life goes on ten years after the war that changed them all.


December 10th, 2017



RP: Colds, Candy, and Charms

Who: Dora & Zahara
What: Charming Candy
When: December 10th
Where: Honeydukes
Warnings: TBD

Colds, Candy, and Charms )



RP: Admissions

Who: Hyperion/Zahara
When: Sunday, December 10, 2009
Where: Their flat
What: Zahara comes back from Dora's with news...
Warnings: None

and revelations )



Network update

Who: Dora and anyone
When: late December 8 (lightly backdated)
What: an update
Warnings: possibly language
Public/Private: public

It's so wonderful to have caught some bug or another and have babies. Luckily they haven't caught any of it yet. Let's hope this continues because I, for one, am tired enough without sick babies too.

Watch me linger with this since I'm not willing to take anything major and have it affect them through me.

They're just a bit over 4 months now, and doing really well. Of course because of their early arrival some of our milestones may seem late, but honestly I'm assured they're really doing brilliantly.

Network: Middle of the day updates.

Who: Gaspard, El, the twins, and Lancelot.
When: Monday, 12/11/09 (pre-dated!)
What: Gaspard updates El, Lexa, and Olivier, and reaches out to Lancelot.
Warnings: None
Public/Private: Private
Eleanor )Lexa & Olivier )Lancelot )

Network: the holidays

Who: Gabriel, Daphne, Astoria, Tracey
When: 12/10/2017, evening
What: A series of texts about the upcoming holidays.
Warnings: None
Public/Private: Private

Gabriel )

Daph & Astoria )

Network: Might you be interested?

Who: Harry & Rose
When: 12/10/2017, evening
What: A work proposal.
Warnings: None
Public/Private: Private

Rose Zeller )