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Aug. 20th, 2009


Day 19: Fina & Ota?

Who: Fina & OTA
Where: Outside the Theatre
Why: She's feels like she should avoid Ramirez for once...?
When: About 1pm?

Fina had woken up later in the day, stretching her arms over her head and slipping on her shoes and slightly ripped stockings which bothered her greatly. Yesterday, she'd fallen down somewhere and it ripped and there seemed no way to fix it. Thus part of her leg and a slight cut could be seen there, she didn't try to hide it as it seemed that there was no bandages or anyway to clean it.

Once she'd been sitting for a while on the grass, Cupil released himself from her and floated around her upside down and right-side up.

Aug. 12th, 2009


Who: Fina and Sarah Jane Smith
Where: Carnival
What: She's with Cupil, experimenting with him.
When: 10am

How about that? )

Jul. 26th, 2009


Who: Ramirez and Fina
Where: Thrift shop
When: 11am, Day 16 (backdated, sorry for the delay)
Why: Ramirez is looking for tools to fix the model he was given

Thrift shop )

Jul. 10th, 2009


Day 15: 10:02 AM, Theater

Who: Wide Open to anyone
What: A party, just for you!
Where: The Theater
When: 10:00 AM - 12:00PM
Rating: PG

Status: Active

Jul. 5th, 2009


sexual arousal, ftw?

Who: Fina & OTA
Where: The Carnival
Why: She was messing around with one of the broken play places.
When: 11am
Other: Sexually aroused, Fina? lol.

Wow. )

Jun. 20th, 2009


Who: Fina, Ramirez & Doctor McCoy
Where: In the woods?
When: Day 12, 7am
Why: Arrival!

:O )