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Sep. 20th, 2009


Day Twenty-Four, Morning

Who: Kimberly Corman and Connor Temple
What: Trying to find a payphone or, at the very least, civilization void of dangerous people
Where: The clock tower
When: Day 24, 8:30am
Rating: PG
Status: Complete

When she got home, she'd make her next move - the Stonybrook Institute. It was safer there. The padded room would be boring, but she'd be alive...and safe. )

Sep. 14th, 2009


Who: Tonks and Connor [Anyone else in the vicinity of the clocktower?]
What: Tonks wakes up less alone than she went to sleep.
Where: The Clocktower
When: Day 23, 630-ish
Rating/Status: Low, Incomplete

Unexpected company. )

Sep. 13th, 2009


Who: Merope & Walter
Where: Clocktower "Home"
When: 10am.
Why: cuteness maybe?

Merope worried, she hadn't seen him in nearly two days or more as he was up and gone within moments of waking up. She had slept for the most part but became apprehensive about the whole ordeal She didn't like Walter not coming back, she didn't like being alone for what felt like forever. Merope felt like his distance meant he could care less about her, he didn't need or want to be around her.

Maybe he thought she was a whore like the rest of them.

The thought made her eyes go watery but she rubbed them out, he didn't need to know about that.

A sigh passed through her lips.


Who: Remy LeBeau & OTA
What: The Cajun doesn't wake up alone
Where: Near the clock tower
When: Day 23, 10:02am
Rating: PG-13
Status: Compelte

Read more... )

Sep. 1st, 2009


Who: Selene, Remus and OTA.
What: Vampires, werewolves and zombies, oh my?
Where: The clock tower.
When: Day 21, around 1pm.
Rating: R for violence.
Status: Active.

Armed and dangerous )

Aug. 26th, 2009


Who: Any of the former kids
What: Waking up as an adult again
Where: Clock Tower
When: Day 20, Early morning
Rating: PG

I had the strangest dream..You were in it, and you.. )

Aug. 10th, 2009


who; rorschach & merope
where; near the clock tower
why; the whole 'SHE IS ALIVE.' thing.
when; 2pm.

Merope spent some time on the grass, sleeping away most of the morning as she usually slept a little before and some after Rorschach did. Today was different as she had food and a good night's rest on a soft mattress, she even wrote in her journal and got comments from him about her being dead. It wasn't good enough to talk to him in journals, she wanted to see him again as they hadn't talked in person for what seemed like days since their sexual romp.

Shifting on her violet sweater over her body, she left and went on the search for Rorschach very slowly. When her eyes spotted the ginger-haired, masking wearing, anti-hero she moved a slight bit faster and approached him from behind. Lithe stems for arms circled his waist and she pressed her frame against his back,"....Walter?" She whispered, testing it out. If he did something to apprehend her on accident, she wouldn't be surprised.


Management Thread: 1:00PM, Clock Tower

Who: The Management and OTA
What: Survey collection and funtimes
Where: Clock Tower
When: 1:00 PM
Rating: Well, that would depend on who shows up
Status: CLOSED. Catch the next one, kiddies!

Come one, come all... )

Jul. 26th, 2009


Day 17: 8:30 am

Who: Illyana and OTA
What: Waiting for a Cajun that isn't gonna show
Where: In front of the Clock Tower
When: Day 17, 8:30 AM
Rating: um...pg for now, will change if it goes further
Status: Active

She hoped he wouldn't keep her waiting long )