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Sep. 4th, 2009


Day Twenty-One, Late Evening

Who: Shannon Rutherford and OTA Museum Dwellers
What: Cowering from the zombie she's been told is loose in the museum
Where: The Museum
When: Day 21; around 7pm
Rating: PG-13 to R, depending on language and who else shows up in the thread
Status: Complete

Shannon, as cynical and grouchy as she was since coming back, had decided that Remy was full of shit until she'd seen elsewhere in the journal by a person she trusted more to tell the truth than say whatever came to mind to get a rise out of others. )

Sep. 2nd, 2009


Who: Zombified!Silent Bob.
What: Do you want fries with your brains?
Where: The Not Quick Stop.
When: Day 21; noon.
Rating: Rated Z (for Zany Zombies eat Zucchinis).
Status: Active.

How do you say 'fuck' in Zombie-speak? )


Who: Luna Zombie & OTA
Where: Near the Gym
When: 1pm, Day 21
Status: Incomplete

Oh Lord. )

Sep. 1st, 2009


Who: Selene, Remus and OTA.
What: Vampires, werewolves and zombies, oh my?
Where: The clock tower.
When: Day 21, around 1pm.
Rating: R for violence.
Status: Active.

Armed and dangerous )

Aug. 31st, 2009


Who: The Tenth Doctor & Remy.
What: Seeking life to feed upon.
Where: Vicinity of the museum and theater.
When: Day 21. 10:45AM.
Rating: PG-13.
Status: Complete.

I see the bad moon arising, I see trouble on the way... )


Who: Zombie Dean and OTA
What: Brains
Where: Around the Carnival
When: Noon, Day 21
Rating: PG-13
Status: Active

Zombie Apocalypse is messing up my week. The internet's always down, can't update my Twitter stream. )


Devastation, Obliteration, Are All In a Part of Exacerbation

Who: Dr. Gregory House and OTA
What: Shambling, undead horror
Where: The proximity of the post office
When: 11:00 A.M.
Rating: PG-13 to start, for vivid descriptions of moderate decomposition. :D Yaaay!

There's no explaining my situation, why does this shit keep happening to me? )

Aug. 30th, 2009


The Zombie Invasion Begins

Who: Captain Jack Sparrow and OTA
What: Seeking brains
Where: Near the Museum
When: 9:00AM
Rating: PG to start


Aug. 28th, 2009


Who: Chris Halliwell and anyone in the gym, or vicinity of.
What: Waking up to something not quite right.
Where: The gym.
When: Day 21 - Early morning, 6:34am.
Rating: PG-13?
Status: Complete.

There's trouble a' brewin'... )