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Apr. 25th, 2009


DAY 5: Early and Frakked

Who: Samuel T. Anders and OTA
What: Arrival
When: Day 5, pre-dawn
Where: Forest, to start
Rating: TBA
Status: Active

Things never go smoothly. )

Apr. 2nd, 2009


Who: Tinker Bell and Martha
What:  Looking for things that might be useful for a Doctor-
When: Shortly after Andy leaves Martha at the Gym's doors and before she tries to patch up Luna (around one thirty or two ish?)
Where: The Thrift Store
Rating: PG-13 for Tink's Language.
Status: Active


Afternoon but before Dusk

Who:  Martha & Merope
What: Checking on Merope
When: Afternoonish,
Where: Town-Clocktower-maybe gym
Rating: TBD
Status: Active

Apr. 1st, 2009


Day 2 - Early evening

Who: The Doctor and OTA (Even if one person replies, feel free to literally jump right on in there, kay?)
What: Staking out the carnival
When: Day 2, early evening
Where: The Carnival
Rating: PG-13 (just in case someone with foul language shows up)

Mar. 31st, 2009


Day Two: Past Mid-Day

Who: Luna Lovegood, Martha Jones
What: Patching Up
When: Just Past Mid-Day (Day Two)
Where: Martha's Base of Operations (lol, the Gym)
Rating: PG?
Status: Completed

Mar. 28th, 2009


Day Two: Experiment

Who: Martha & Andy
What: Experiment One
When: Late-Morning (around 10 or 11)
Where: In a clearing of trees, no where near anything else.
Rating: TBA
Status: Active

This was the second time )

Mar. 21st, 2009


Day One: Morning

Who: Tinker Bell and Martha Jones
What: Tink and Martha wake up in the woods by the gym and find themselves 1) together and 2) someplace that definitely isn't where they should be.
When: Day One Morning (around 8:30am)
Where: In the woods by the gym
Rating: PG-13 for language and situational implications in pasts
Status: Complete

In Neverland, there's no such thing as bad mornings. )