July 2010




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Jun. 22nd, 2010


Day One: 10:30 am

Who: Sarah Jane Smith, Luke Smith (and OPEN to passers-by)
What: Family Reunion
When: Day 1 - 10:30 am
Where: On the street outside Mickey's Diner
Rating: G?
Status: Active

A child was coddled. A child was kept safe from the monsters. Luke went after the monsters head on, just as she did. )


Who: Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester and possibly Castiel later.
What: Having a side conversation. Continued from here.
When: Day 1 - 10:45am
Where: Mickey's Diner
Rating: R
Status: Complete

All you need is a bell and a sandwich board that says 'The End is Near'. )

Jun. 21st, 2010


Day One - Early

WHO: Jack Harkness, Chris Halliwell
WHAT: Not this place again...
WHERE: 202 Cherry Lane
WHEN: 8:07 am
RATING: It's Jack. Language, language, language.
STATUS: Active

Just when you thought it was safe... )


Day 1: Nearly Noon

WHO: Lexie Grey, Sherlock Holmes and OPEN to Pharmacy visitors!
WHAT: Scoping out the pharmacy
WHERE: The pharmacy, Duh.
WHEN: Nearly lunchtime

Jun. 20th, 2010


Who: Tonks [Open to any, if you want!]
Where: The Forest first, then Oak Grove
When: Day One, 10am-ish
What: Tonks wakes up in the forest and soon makes her way to civilization

Oy. Merlin. This was not what she had in mind. )


Who: Ted Logan [Open if people want to!]
Where: The Hardware Store
When: Day One, later morning
What: Ted wakes up in Hell Vas. Again.

I have got to stop dying, dude. )


Day One - 9:45am

Who: Remy LeBeau, Dean Winchester, Phoebe Halliwell, The [Ninth] Doctor, Castiel and OPEN!
What: Meeting at the diner.
When Day 1 - 9:45am
Where: Mickey's Diner
Rating: PG-13
Status: Active


Who: Phoebe Halliwell and the Ninth Doctor
When Day 1 (.5)
Where: Mickey's Diner
Rating: PG...ish?
Status: Incomplete

Wakey wakey, rise and shine! )


WHO: The Tenth Doctor and OPEN
WHAT: Wandering. Excitedly.
WHERE: Coming up main street toward the shopping district
WHEN: 12:36
PG to start... it all depends on who turns up

STATUS: Complete

Jun. 19th, 2010


Who: Illyana Rasputin and Dr. Gregory House
What: Waking up in Vas...again (not that 'Yana remembers what happened before)
When: 9 am, Vas Time
Where: 205 Cherry Lane
Rating: um...PG-13? I'll change it if we need to
Status: Active

Rise and shine, Little Snowflake )


Who: Luke Smith, open, (and Merope Gaunt if they want)
What: Waking up in Vas Captio
When: Day One; 7:50 AM
Where: Flower Shop
Rating: TBA
Status: In Progress

It came as pretty unfamiliar to him, waking up on the floor... )


Who: Castiel and Sarah Jane Smith
What: Waking up in Vas
When: Day One; 8:13AM
Where: 507 Oakgrove Court
Rating: PG. Maybe even G. Its an angel and a lead in a children's show.
Status: Complete!

Daylight Deals a Bad Hand )


Hello, I'm Your Mind, Giving You Someone To Talk To.

Who: Willard Stiles ([info]tear_it_up) and Sam Winchester ([info]demonboyking)
What: Rise and shine in your happy new home, gentlemen.
Where: 208 Cherry Lane
When: Day One, 10:17 A.M.
Rating: PG for confuzzlement.
Status: Closed and Active.

Suddenly I know I'm not sleeping )


Who: Ianto Jones and Conner Temple
What: Rising and Shining in Vas Captio
When: Round 8 am
Where: The Library
Rating: PG - Can't imagine more than swearing going on
Status: Active

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