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Under the Rainbow - a panfandom game

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[Jun. 24th, 2008|03:09 pm]

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Henry - How's your vacation going?

Weevil - Are you back yet?

Alice - You want to hang out sometime soon?

Veronica - Call me and we can set up a time to do that thing.

Kyle )
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[Jun. 21st, 2008|02:14 pm]
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[Jun. 20th, 2008|09:16 pm]
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Well now. This is right interesting.

Somebody wanna explain what's going on?
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[Jun. 17th, 2008|10:36 pm]
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I'm new to reality.

Anyone want to show me the more amusingly mundane things?
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[Jun. 17th, 2008|11:18 pm]

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The things that I love are as follows (IN NO PARTICULAR ORDER):

1) My dog.
2) My car.
3) Beer.
4) Tits. (These include all breasts on women, paid for or God-given, and thereby include Ms. Talbot's, but not because she's special.)
5) My brother. (Mostly because I'm supposed to, something about family and crap.)
6) Taquitos.
7) Those squishy ball things that are supposed to relieve stress.
8) Whipped cream. (See also number 4; if number 4 has whipped cream, then can move up past number 1.)
9) Bela Talbot. (AKA: The new future Mrs. Dean Winchester.)
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[Jun. 17th, 2008|02:01 pm]
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Think I might go back home for a while.
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[Jun. 16th, 2008|10:58 pm]
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I am not sure how it is that I should go about doing this. I feel, however, that I owe an apology to the people of this community. My name is Reika. You likely don't know my name, but you may know that, due to circumstances outside my control, I was...terrorizing and injuring the people of New York City for the past week, and have done worse in the past. I wanted to extend my heartfelt apology, though I'm sure it does not make up for your suffering. Please know that I never had any intention of hurting anyone. I do not expect to be forgiven for my actions, I only felt bound to apologize for them.

As well, I would like to thank those that were there to not only stop but free me. I can move without pain for the first time in...how long? I'm not entirely sure. Thank you.

To The Man In My Dream With Eyes Like Black Opals )
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[Jun. 16th, 2008|05:26 pm]

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I'm back and glad to see that NYC is back to normal. Don't think that my closet came with any snow boots.

Thanks to those that did what they did. Sorry I wasn't any help.
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[Jun. 16th, 2008|01:10 am]
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So how is everyone doing? I've been spending the last couple days resting.

All-Seeing Agency employees )
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[Jun. 9th, 2008|09:42 pm]

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Voice Post )
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[Jun. 9th, 2008|09:50 pm]
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voicepost )
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[Jun. 9th, 2008|12:31 pm]
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[Current Mood |annoyed]

One minute I'm arguing with Chappelle, the next I get this.

I've seen and done a lot of things, but surviving a tornado is not one of them. Tornadoes are not something that happens often in Los Angeles. Which leads me to believe I'm not in L.A. anymore. I think I saw the Washington Monument.

Damn it.

...at least it got me away from that pencil-necked weasel.
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[Jun. 8th, 2008|11:22 am]

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Things are looking up.

Alice- Hey, are you still having your party? If you are, do you want me to bring anything?

Kyle- I have news of the good variety.

Henry- How's your face?
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[Jun. 6th, 2008|09:31 pm]
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So, this is weird.

At least that tornado didn't trash my bike.
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[Jun. 5th, 2008|03:19 pm]
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I've just made a few purchases. After recent events, I felt the need to have a few places where I, and/or others, can go to ground safely. I now need alarm systems that will make these places safer than Fort Knox.

Dean )
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[Jun. 3rd, 2008|01:03 am]

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Faith )

Kyle )

Veronica Mars )
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[Jun. 3rd, 2008|01:42 am]
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First: To any hospital workers from New York, you guys are really efficient. Thank you. My face feels much better now.

Secondly: To the employees of the All-Seeing Agency )

Thirdly: Dean )

Fourthly: Solvei )

Fifthly: Divinities and other cosmic entities )
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[May. 31st, 2008|09:32 pm]
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Tom, if you're behind this, I'm going to kill you.
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[May. 31st, 2008|01:40 pm]

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I'm so glad things are finally normal around here again.
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[May. 30th, 2008|11:18 pm]
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So, I'm thinking that I might throw a party for all the new arrivals. Friends are good things to have, and there's more than a few people still wandering around. Maybe this coming Friday? Let me know if you guys are interested. It'd just be a nice way to meet people, I think.

Or if you object, Husband Mine. Don't want to do anything you don't want!

Ideas? Comments? Musings?
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[May. 30th, 2008|07:14 pm]
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Left on Solvei's Balcony )
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[May. 29th, 2008|11:13 pm]

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Sleep schmeep.

You know that you need sleep when you're reading Nietzsche of all things. The same line over and over. And you just can't stop reading it. Insomnia does some wacky things to your brain.

"You need chaos in your soul to give birth to a dancing star."

What if you would rather not give birth to a star? Wouldn't it kind of hurt a little? Especially a dancing star? Yes, I'm being literal and it is a metaphor and blah blah.

Universe? I think I'd rather have a little less chaos, thanks.
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[May. 29th, 2008|08:59 am]

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Okay. Weird glowy lights, strange weather, and interdimensional oddness is something that comes with living in my world.

But suddenly being referred to as someone else, and having complete strangers think you are that person and have been known by them for life? That is new.

So is this nifty communications forum. Good idea, whoever did it.

My name is Vance Astrovik, and I have just one question; where the heck am I?
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[May. 27th, 2008|11:03 pm]
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So having looked into it, I've made a decision. I'm going to open up a paranormal investigation agency. It'll be called the All-Seeing Agency and be based in California, but our investigations will be global. I've purchased a large warehouse and had it turned into a fairly casual office building, with a very large storeroom.

I am going to need people proficient with magic to put wards on this storeroom. I need all different kinds of wards. Pretty much any protective ward you can think of, for everything from artifacts to spirits to, I don't know, anti-violence wards or something. I want this place to be the magical equivalent of Alcatraz. ...Only without any fatal flaws that would allow a catastrophic jailbreak.

I'll also be interviewing investigators. Send resumes to [insert email address here]. I want to stress that this job could be dangerous. There may be monsters. I've encountered one bigger than a house...and he's not anywhere near being the king monster. If you're not willing to do a dangerous job, don't send in your resume. I can completely understand if you'd prefer not to go into danger, but I'm looking for people that are willing to do so for this job. You should also be aware that we may end up with stuff in the storeroom that could be extremely dangerous if it breaks the wards I intend to get put on it.

And of course, I'll be checking on each and every person involved, from the, uh...wizards? Mages? Magi? The people putting wards on the storehouse, all the way down to the guy that delivers the mail.
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[May. 27th, 2008|12:53 am]

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Solvei )
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[May. 26th, 2008|07:10 pm]
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My leg's suddenly...better. Anyone know anything about that?


I'm making two large donations. One to the Disabled American Veterans and one to the Veterans of Foreign Wars and the American Legion.
First hand experience is...life altering. Profound. You can't understand what these men went through and now that I know, I won't ever forget.

It's Memorial Day weekend, at home, in America. Most people think it's just a day off, an excuse to have a picnic. Not tryin' to preach but maybe if everyone remembered the real reason for today, we'd have less of history repeating itself.
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[May. 26th, 2008|02:38 pm]

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My bakery that I own is pretty sweet. I apparently own the bakery that's at the store front level and my loft type apartment above it. It's fully staffed, which means no having to have to actually cook anything myself. Also, it has, a coffee bar!

My apartment is gorgeous. It's bigger than anything I've ever lived in before. It has a balcony around the back. Which is nice for when I get claustrophobic. The person that I replaced was also the same size as me. More clothes and shoes then a girl really needs, but I'm not gonna complain too much about that.

*locked to medical professionals* )
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[May. 25th, 2008|09:13 pm]

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Um... this isn't where I parked my car.

Can anyone tell me where I am?
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