Under the Rainbow - a panfandom game [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Under the Rainbow - a panfandom game

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[Jul. 5th, 2008|10:57 pm]

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Jack, how's Tosh doing?

[not viewable to Ianto] How's Reinette too?
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... [Jul. 1st, 2008|01:11 pm]
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Somedays I long for France.

[ooc: takes place after the hostage plot]
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[Jun. 30th, 2008|06:34 pm]

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I...don't think this is Cardiff anymore.
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[Jun. 28th, 2008|11:40 pm]

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Owen, they seem to think it's a boy.
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[Jun. 12th, 2008|11:36 pm]


No champagne Thursday(s) this week. :(
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[Jun. 5th, 2008|01:32 am]

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It's Champagne Thursday still again!
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[May. 30th, 2008|07:48 pm]

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Anyone for Champagne Thursday?
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[May. 24th, 2008|02:45 pm]

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I got a ship back, she's not like mine but oh... I don't care. I can fly again! Stars, planets, different systems, species. Strange to think it's only 700 more years to home. Home! Eee!

Owen, we have to do things!

Kit, just be careful, I'm not saying don't because really some great fun to be had, just be careful.
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What the F**** [May. 21st, 2008|09:10 pm]
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[Current Mood |confused]

Can someone tell me why I'm in a bloody pinstripe suit and spatz?
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[May. 20th, 2008|01:48 am]

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This is kinda fun.

I have a strange sense of deja-vu, wait no. I have been here before. It was fun then too.
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[May. 15th, 2008|12:56 am]

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So, TGI Friday's has this amazing appetizer - Fully Loaded Nachos. Sounds lame, until you get to the primary constituent: BACON. FLAVORED. REFRIED. BEANS.

I need to know how to buy a whole vat of those, stat. They're fucking amazing. Oh, bacon flavored refried beans. I've got plans for you.
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[May. 14th, 2008|07:00 pm]
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What the fuck was that?

Coop, mam and tad will kill you if you've been messing with alien tech again!
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[May. 7th, 2008|11:48 pm]

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[Current Mood |scared]

At least here looks like Cardiff. I hope that I didn't get eaten by the rift...

I'd better find Daddy, or Dad... Or if I am in the rift then I'd probably better find Lyssa and Rain, then they can get me back home.

But I don't know where Lyssa and Rain live.

The hub. That's where I'll go...
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[May. 1st, 2008|02:25 am]

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I hate wedding planning.
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[Apr. 12th, 2008|11:46 pm]

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Someone please tell my boyfriend that he can't name our son 'Batmobile General Lee Optimus Prime Knight'.
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[Apr. 13th, 2008|12:18 am]
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...Oh, you have got to be kidding me.

I don't know where the hell you are, Doctor- but you had best get your skinny arse down here and beam me back up straightaway, because there is no way in bloody hell that I am going to be a... wedding.. planner. That is-without a doubt- the most.. cruel and unusual punishment you could dish out. Really.

You've had your fun. Now, go on- start beaming. Or whatever it is you do, Spaceship Boy.
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[Apr. 12th, 2008|01:32 pm]
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Torchwood Three- Toshio Sato is apparently injured and we need to find him. Toshiko, can you track him at all? Via his cell phone, CCTV? Anything?

Doctor... I could use your help. You and the TARDIS. We need help finding Toshio.
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[Apr. 12th, 2008|12:59 am]

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I might miss London just a little bit.

Owen! )
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[Apr. 11th, 2008|07:59 pm]
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I'm.. back apparently.

Anyone miss me?
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[Apr. 10th, 2008|08:11 am]
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What's going on?

Is this a new Party device? I'm sorry, Big Brother, for not catching the bulletin if it is.

This isn't...1984, is it. There are too many...things around.
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[Apr. 4th, 2008|04:44 pm]

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Owen )

Jack Harkness )
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[Apr. 2nd, 2008|05:27 pm]
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I haven't seen one of those in awhile. Swirling time vortexes, I mean. And I've definitely never traveled through one unprotected.

Wait. There was that once.

At least I know what it was, that's a start. But where the hell am I? There is only one person who could possibly be behind this.

I think.
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[Mar. 14th, 2008|09:04 pm]

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Oh cool! I always wanted to go to London!

It's kind of weird how I don't remember buying a plane ticket, though...
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[Mar. 4th, 2008|12:32 am]

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Guess it happened to me too. Hee, this is kinda fun!

Hey Owen?
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[Feb. 23rd, 2008|12:35 pm]
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... someone please tell me that whooshy thing wasn't an alien. Then I'll be okay!

(Someone explaining would be pretty awesome, too.)
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[Feb. 22nd, 2008|02:26 am]


So Rain is finally settled and we have some sort of routine going on. If it weren't for Ianto's coffee I'd so not be coping. Anyway, anyone who knows us is more than welcome to come visit.
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[Jan. 27th, 2008|05:43 pm]

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Baby's a girl, me and Owen are gonna have a daughter.
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[Jan. 20th, 2008|06:35 pm]
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Thanks to a certain crabass, I really, really have a craving for Oreos.

I have a headache. Ow. Ow. Ow.

I've changed my shirt three times because three separate patients have felt the staggering need to reach out and rub my abdomen.

Fucking creepy. You guys are all sick and you're rubbing my unborn baby's sleeping place? No, no, no, no.
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[Jan. 20th, 2008|05:20 pm]
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[Current Mood |melancholy]

♫There's no time for us
There's no place for us
What is this thing that builds our dreams
Yet slips away from us
Who wants to live forever?
Who wants to live forever.....?
There's no chance for us
It's all decided for us
This world has only one sweet moment
Set aside for us
Who wants to live forever?
Who wants to live forever.....?
Who dares to love forever
When love must die?
But touch my tears with your lips
Touch my world with your fingertips
And we can have forever
And we can love forever
Forever is our today
Who wants to live forever?
Who wants to live forever?
Forever is our today
Who waits forever anyway?♫

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[Jan. 18th, 2008|03:38 pm]
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I'm going to Canada to go get the Dalek. With Edward. He might need.. containing if I don't smack him around myself.

So everyone be on their toes hm? Even if I'm sure most of you Torchies are running around naked.
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[Jan. 15th, 2008|04:17 pm]
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Mam! Tad! Having a bit of an issue here.

Though really, I look good, so it's not so much an issue as...kinda fun.
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Kid Plot [Jan. 14th, 2008|09:34 pm]
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[Current Mood |confused]

Ok. What the hell happened to me?

Lyssa? Jack? Ianto? Kit? Someone?

My voice is high and my body is much smaller. I can't even buy a drink!!
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