[Feb. 7th, 2012|03:46 pm] |
I have tasted coffee. It's very good. Though I did not know that a flesh body could be this jittery. I can't stop moving, but I think I like it.
I require more knowledge about human emotions. If my thief's daughter can learn about things like that, I can too. |
[Jan. 8th, 2012|01:35 am] |
I wish to be sedated. |
[Nov. 25th, 2011|01:40 pm] |
I am tired of this body. And being put into cages by men.
Thank you my thieves, my Doctors and everyone else for coming to get me.
I don't want to be alone, but I am alone. I will be alone.
This body is so very tired. |
[Nov. 1st, 2011|10:43 pm] |
My Donna Noble, come with me. |
[Oct. 22nd, 2011|10:02 pm] |
Where am I going? Have I been there before? After?
I was supposed to be somewhere, and now I am not. But then I already was.
I wish I could keep these things straight. I will keep these things straight, or perhaps I won't.
I do not know if this flesh body is stable. |
[Sep. 22nd, 2011|02:18 am] |
This is interesting. New. Old. Exciting. Complex. I'm alive. Dead. I was alive. I am alive. I wasn't alive. I'm alive again. |
[Mar. 12th, 2010|02:08 pm] |
Once again I seem to be bigger on the inside.
My limbs have grown abnormally long. Interesting. |
[May. 15th, 2009|09:34 pm] |
Because I could not be here during the time when everyone else felt the need to have sex constantly, I declare that NOW is the time.
[Mar. 23rd, 2009|10:20 pm] |
Oy, TARDIS- Now, hey, there's something we should discuss. Later. Now, we have a world to save, oh yes!
Yes? |
[Mar. 21st, 2009|03:01 pm] |
If anyone wants or needs to be moved to another planetary structure at this time, please let me know.
I'd be happy to take anyone to another planet. |
[Jan. 30th, 2009|09:49 am] |
Blast it! I knew I'd eventually get stuck in a bloody human body the longer I belonged to you, Jack Harkness.
This is just not acceptable! I wish to return to being a ship, right bloody now! |
[Jan. 14th, 2009|05:54 pm] |
The dvds of the television show I came from has menu's on which I am on fire and that annoying thing talking about how I need to be destroyed.
I don't like being on fire. |
[Sep. 23rd, 2008|10:13 pm] |
( TARDIS ) |
[Jul. 13th, 2008|11:42 pm] |
The world doesn't seem strange here at all, yet i can feel this is not the Earth I have grown accustomed to. |
[Jul. 12th, 2008|02:02 pm] |
What the hell is going on? Last I checked we were having a lovely chat with Dravos and trying to save the world...
And now I'm back here in London.
Doctor? Jack? |
[Jul. 7th, 2008|05:46 pm] |
Dalek is... content.
Dalek is... I am... happy Dalek-- I, came here. |
[Jun. 10th, 2008|10:39 am] |
( TARDIS ) |
[Apr. 23rd, 2008|01:19 am] |
She is very restless.
Walking in Vegas isn't conducive to restlessness.
She might be lonely. Is that was this is? |
[Apr. 13th, 2008|07:24 pm] |
Oh, now this is something, isn't it? A bit different than what I'm used to- but brilliant, really!
TARDIS is still in fine condition, so, no harm done there.
Excellent work, I must say...someone really knows what they're doing around these parts.. Oh! Sorry, sorry. I keep going on and on and I haven't even given out a proper introduction, have I?
Hello! I'm The Doctor. Pleasure to be here. Well, wherever...here..is. |
[Apr. 2nd, 2008|05:27 pm] |
[ | Tags | | | cooper jones, gallifrey tyler, jack harkness (torchwood), kyoko harkness, lyssa james, martha jones, master's tardis, owen harper, rhiannon harkness, tardis, tenth doctor, toshiko sato | ] |
I haven't seen one of those in awhile. Swirling time vortexes, I mean. And I've definitely never traveled through one unprotected.
Wait. There was that once.
At least I know what it was, that's a start. But where the hell am I? There is only one person who could possibly be behind this.
I think. |
[Apr. 1st, 2008|02:39 pm] |
Back in this place...this form...but no Master.
This one is lonely without him. |
[Mar. 27th, 2008|02:26 am] |
The TARDIS is confused.
She did not think she was to return.
Is the Doctor here? |