Roswell, New Mexico In Character

April 2020



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Posts Tagged: 'sliders:+wade+welles'

Feb. 7th, 2020




It's been three weeks. Somehow my journals - which I thought I'd left at the camp - are here. And while I'm really grateful for that, I have some questions. Not sure this is the best place for them but here we go.

You have an Einstein-Rosen-Podolski Bridge opening in the middle of the desert! But there's nothing around it and there's no catalyst!

It's a literal rip in the fabric of space, joining one point here to another world on a different dimensional vibrational frequency.

From what I remember at the wormhole in the desert, there isn't any natural or man-made stabilization factor that is causing the rip to open over and over and over. But for there to be a wormhole like that you need one, because rips in space - and I guess time in this case too? - they don't just happen. Something causes them.

For us it was the Timer, the sliding machine. It used an electrical field to both make the rip and stabilize the wormhole so that it didn't kill us. And we never got the same world more than once... well we did once, but we had help.

How is this happening? Has anyone looked into electrical field data for the desert area? How many times have people from the same world shown up independently from one another?

Feb. 6th, 2020




I need a dr

I guess the fact that there's an actual welcoming committee means there's a hell of a lot of people showing up here, right? That or I'm going batshit in the lobby of a Holiday Inn in Illinois

I'm Dan Torrance. I'm an orderly in a hospice in a small town in New Hampshire, and I'm supposed to be on my way back there, but I guess this place had other ideas. Hi.

Jan. 8th, 2020




This is the most elaborate trap the Kromaggs have laid yet. Putting me here, next to a wormhole?! How long until you realize it isn't working and all this disappears and I'm back in my cell?

In case you were thinking this changed anything: I'M NOT HELPING YOU! I don't know what my Earth's coordinates are! And if I did I wouldn't tell you!

Throw me back in the Breeding Rooms! I don't care what you do to me! I am not helping you invade my Earth!

Remmy. Quinn... where are you guys!?

Jan. 7th, 2020




Who: Wade Welles and Adam Milligan/Michael
What: Wade's sudden arrival in New Mexico
When: January 7, 2020
Where: Near the rift
Why: All stories start somewhere!
Rating: PG13. Minor violence, probably some cursing, Wade is freaked out.

It wasn't the first time that they'd tried to get information from her by playing with her mind. )