Roswell, New Mexico In Character

April 2020



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Posts Tagged: 'nikita:+alexandra+udinov'

Feb. 23rd, 2020




Sorry I've been kind of MIA lately, but I've been working on a home base for new arrivals.

Thank you for everyone who helped input ideas and make suggestions. Thank you to everyone who helped build the structure. It's ready to go live. I'm really excited about this. I think it will make arrivals feel more welcome and what not.

Now we wait for the next arrivals.

[OOC: Feel free to take credit for helping Alex finalise the plans, and please feel free to assume your character helped build the welcome center. There is a main room, showers, a dorm style bunk room with a handful of beds, a secure storage room, a secure computer room, a small kitchen area, and a lounge with couches and what not for anyone coming in who just wants to chill before embarking on their new life.

Jan. 18th, 2020




I've been working on some plans, designing a welcome center that I'd like to build near the portal, to try and make the transition for new arrivals a little easier. I'm looking for a few people to help make this a reality. I can't pay much, but I'll provide food and drinks for anyone who helps out. If we get enough people it should be a quick job.

I'm heading to the Crashdown to grab some lunch, but I'd love to talk to some people with construction experience, because honestly, I'm a little out of my league on that side of things. Who's in?

Jan. 13th, 2020




I've been given the okay to run a boxing program at the Community Center. If anyone is interested, let me know and we can find a time that works for everyone.

Jan. 5th, 2020




The Pirate Angel has a horrible sense of direction.

Jan. 4th, 2020




I’m here barely two days and my sister disappears. Is that a thing around here?

Jan. 1st, 2020



text post: alexandra udinov

Happy New Year everyone!

How are you feeling?




Oh, look at that. Dead didn't take.

Imagine that.

Dec. 30th, 2019





Dec. 28th, 2019



text post: alexandra udinov

And it started off as such a good day.

I need your help with something.

Dec. 27th, 2019



text post: alexandra udinov

Thanks to everyone who came to the Community Center for the Christmas party. I hope everyone had a great time.

Will you help me find a house after the new year?

I'm thinking about buying a house. Do you still want to live with me? Or stay in the apartment?

Staying out of trouble?

Dec. 23rd, 2019



text post: alexandra udinov

I hope everyone liked their early Christmas surprises. And I hope to see everyone at the party tomorrow.

Dec. 22nd, 2019




Thank you for the gift. It is very kind of you.



Christmas Gifts [Delivered this morning]

[Steve Harrington, Robin Buckley, Seth Gecko, Alex Manes, Liz Ortecho, Sam Winchester, Lindsey McDonald, and Matt Murdock*]

[It's a 65 inch 4K TV with Amazon fire tv and built-in Alexa (*and a bunch of extra music stuff and audio programming in the one for Matt)]

[Delivered to everyone else]
[gift basket and a 500 dollar Amazon gift card]

Dec. 11th, 2019



text post: alexandra udinov

I have to say, I'm getting pretty excited for the Christmas party. It will be at the Community Center on December 24th where we will also exchange our Secret Santa gifts. Isobel was supposed to post about it but I think she got busy or something. I hope everyone can make it.

Dec. 9th, 2019




Just your friendly neighbourhood Devil here with a reminder to teach your urchins how to spell.

I will not be responding to any "Dear Satan" letters I keep receiving. that I mention it, it could be fun to write back......

Dec. 4th, 2019



text post: alexandra udinov

If you're going to send me death threats, learn to spell eviscerate. English isn't even my first language and I can spell it.

Nov. 30th, 2019



text post: alexandra udinov

Thanks to everyone who came to the Community Center for our Thanksgiving celebration. It was a lot of fun. And I can officially say I've experienced a Thanksgiving now.

Nov. 24th, 2019



text post: alexandra udinov

Alex, Isobel, and I would like to invite everyone to the Community Center to participate in a Thanksgiving dinner. It's actually my first, so this will be a new experience for me.

We hope everyone can come and we can all get to know one another a little better.

ETA: Will be taking place Thursday at noon.

I hope you'll come.

Nov. 18th, 2019




Anyone got any recommendations for the best food in this place?

Nov. 15th, 2019



text post: alexandra udinov

Took a bit of work but the Community Center will be opening next week. Since we already had a building, cleaning it up and adding some new stuff wasn't too difficult. I'd like to add a pool eventually, maybe over the summer. If we're still here