Roswell, New Mexico In Character

April 2020



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January 5th, 2020




Hey, so Sara's here. Did you see?




From 2006 to 1973 to 2020.

I'm getting bloody whiplash.




This must be some kind of fucked up kick back dream or some shit. Too much adrenaline in a very short time. Seriously. What gives? I'd like to wake the fuck up now.




Okay, so.

This still isn't the worst field trip I could've wound up taking.




Not exactly what I expected to happen.

[She's not as phased as she should be.]

Now where can a girl go to have fun around here?




Who: Allison and Chris Argent
Where: Near the Crashdown
When: Jan 4th; late night
What: Reuniting
Warnings: TBD
Status: Closed

I'm proud of you. I'm proud of us. )




Shit shit shit.

This isn't good.





Appreciate the help getting to the apartments, but what I'd really like is to get back to Portland.




I've been here a few days. I have to say, I'm impressed with whatever power force is preventing me going back *ahem* home. But over all? Unimpressed. People are the same everywhere.




Whose small child is this in my apartment?

Why is there a small child in my apartment?

Whoever this belongs to, please come retrieve it.




We can't do that again. Not that it wasn't amazing but




Andy you need to go buy your goldfish a new plant. He hates the one in his tank.

You also forgot to feed him.




The Pirate Angel has a horrible sense of direction.