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Posts Tagged: 'anthony+goldstein'



WHO: Tracey Davis & Anthony Goldstein.
WHEN: Tonight.
WHERE: Tracey's room.
SUMMARY: Anthony's efforts to cheer his girlfriend up after the Gringotts news does not work so well.
WARNINGS: Usual war stuff, nothing graphic.

Because it would be an amazing origin story, Tracey )



Left for Anthony in Tracey's room tonight )



WHO: Anthony Goldstein & Tracey Davis.
WHEN: Wednesday, May 3rd to Saturday, May 6th.
WHERE: St. Mungo's and Tracey's bedroom.
SUMMARY: Four vignettes.
WARNINGS: Pain potion talk. Mentions of male anatomy.

And what a romantic proposal that is, Anthony Goldstein. )



WHO: Anthony & Yulia Goldstein.
WHEN: Friday, May 5th.
WHERE: St. Mungo's.
SUMMARY: And Anthony's crisis of faith starts in three, two, one...
WARNINGS: Mentions of torture and death. Self-indulgent writing lol.

It’s all pointless. )



WHO: Anthony Goldstein & Padma Patil.
WHEN: Thursday, May 4th before lunch.
WHERE: St. Mungo's.
SUMMARY: Anthony sneaks out to pay his friend a visit.

Uh oh. Someone’s in trouble. )



WHO: Anthony Goldstein & Tracey Davis.
WHEN: Tuesday, May 2nd later in the day. Or something. Time is an illusion.
WHERE: St. Mungo's.
SUMMARY: Tracey fills her boyfriend in on what happened.
WARNINGS: Battle spoilers and sads.

Did we win? )



Battle of Hogwarts, Part 14

Battle of Hogwarts, Part 14. )



Battle of Hogwarts, Part 10

Battle of Hogwarts, Part 10. )

“You have fought valiantly. Lord Voldemort knows how to value bravery. Yet you have sustained heavy losses. If you continue to resist me, you will all die, one by one. I do not wish this to happen. Every drop of magical blood spilled is a loss and a waste. Lord Voldemort is merciful. I command my forces to retreat immediately. You have one hour. Dispose of your dead with dignity. Treat your injured.”

Ceasefire )



Battle of Hogwarts, Part 7

Battle of Hogwarts, Part 7. )



Battle of Hogwarts, Part 1

Battle of Hogwarts, Part 1. )



Brilliant and often controversial headmaster
of Hogwarts, Albus Dumbledore is most

You all heard the broadcast, right? - LAVA

achievement, however, was featuring on a
Famous Wizard's Chocolate Frog Card.



WHO: Anthony Goldstein, Celia Brown, Ernie Macmillan, Jeremy Kingston, Lavender Brown, Lexi Sloper, Michael Fucking Corner, Neville Longbottom, Padma Patil, Parvati Patil, Seamus Finnegan, Susan Bones, Viola Belby,
WHEN: The past few weeks
WHERE: Room of Requirement
SUMMARY: A series of vignettes depicting life in the RoR
WARNINGS: Mentions of torture, mentions of claustrophobia, nighttime farting, Aqua lyrics

what happens when DA members stop being polite - and start getting real )



WHO: Anthony Goldstein & Padma Patil.
WHEN: Wednesday, April 26th, late.
WHERE: Room of Requirement.
SUMMARY: Two former Ravenclaw prefects can't sleep.

What are you reading? )



Brilliant and often controversial headmaster
of Hogwarts, Albus Dumbledore is most

Had a bit of a run-in with Mulciber this afternoon.
Now in RoR with O. Robards. Tell Scott???
Can someone please, please, please, tell Tracey?
Sorry. -- LAVA

achievement, however, was featuring on a
Famous Wizard's Chocolate Frog Card.



WHO: Anthony Goldstein, Leopold Mulciber, & Oliver Robards.
WHEN: Wednesday, April 26th a little while after the last Charms class.
WHERE: The Charms classroom.
SUMMARY: Now this is story all about how Anthony's life got flipped-turned upside down. And I'd like to take a minute, just sit right there, and tell you how he ended up in the Room of Requirements.
WARNINGS: Unforgivables.

Anthony always suspected the hat had made a mistake when it placed him in Ravenclaw that September. )



WHO: Vincent Crabbe Jr., Anthony Goldstein
WHEN: After dinner, 24 April
WHERE: Empty Classroom
SUMMARY: Pansy asked Vincent to mess up Goldstein & he delivers.
WARNINGS: Torture. Also, this is IC/OOC b/c I don't have the time.

because pansy said so )



WHO: Anthony Goldstein & Tracey Davis.
WHEN: Sunday, April 23rd in the afternoon.
WHERE: Some random empty room over there.
SUMMARY: Anthony manages to make Tracey cry.

Well, please assume I went out as I lived: doing something noble, yet probably incredibly stupid. )



Brilliant and often controversial headmaster
of Hogwarts, Albus Dumbledore is most

Hey Lion! Vice and I tried to visit yesterday,
but the door wouldn't open no matter how hard we thought.
Have you tried opening it yourself?
If you can we can bring you something to eat. LAVA

achievement, however, was featuring on a
Famous Wizard's Chocolate Frog Card.



WHO: Anthony Goldstein & Professor Mulciber.
WHEN: Monday, April 17th after 7th year Charms.
WHERE: Charms classroom.
SUMMARY: The professor takes some time out of his day to creep out Anthony.

Keeping out of trouble, Goldstein? )



WHO: Anthony, Levi, and Yulia Goldstein.
WHEN: Friday, April 14th at dinner time.
WHERE: The Goldstein abode in Wanstead, London.
SUMMARY: Mama and Papa Goldstein aren't buying their son's story.
WARNINGS: Anger issues.

Stop lying to your mother and me, Anthony. )



Owl to Tracey Davis while Anthony wad high as a kite last night. )



WHO: Dumbledore's Army
WHEN: Wednesday, April 12; 4PM
WHERE: Neville Longbottom's house.
SUMMARY: IC/OOC for discussing the future of the DA after Easter




WHO: Everyone who was invited to Neville's party!
WHEN: Wednesday, April 12; 8PM - ?
WHERE: Longbottom house in Weybridge, Surrey.




WHO: All of Ritchie's party invitees!
WHEN: April 8th. Starting at 7pm going until ??
WHERE: Coote Residence, Notting Hill.
WARNINGS: There's alcohol involved and it's a house filled with teenagers so.




WHO: Anthony Goldstein & Tracey Davis.
WHEN: Friday, April 7th.
WHERE: Tracey's home, Muggle London, the Natural History Museum, and a pub.
SUMMARY: These two nerds go on a date to a museum and pretend things aren't awful for awhile.

For the time being, she had no intention of hexing Anthony Goldstein. )



WHO: Anthony Goldstein, Ginny Weasley, Parvati Patil, Seamus Finnigan, Susan Bones, and vague mentions of the Carrows.
WHEN: Over the course of the past two days.
WHERE: Dungeon cells.
SUMMARY: Where, oh where, have the troublemakers gone? Oh where, oh where can they be?
WARNINGS: Mentions of gruesome torture.

Finally, they were free to go.  )



WHO: Tracey Davis and Anthony Goldstein
WHEN: Backdated a couple of weeks to when Hagrid is forced to flee.
WHERE: Behind the Quidditch stands.
SUMMARY: Anthony is mad and needs to break stuff. Tracey helps.
WARNINGS: Violence towards transfigured furniture?

How do you put up living with them? )



WHO: Anthony Goldstein & the Carrows.
WHEN: Wednesday, March 29th after Muggle Studies.
WHERE: Alecto's office.
SUMMARY: Interrogations 2: Electric Boogaloo.
WARNINGS: Torture.

Okay. I’ll tell you. )



WHO: Anthony Goldstein & Tracey Davis.
WHEN: Tuesday, March 28th directly after the broadcast.
WHERE: Some random hallway.
SUMMARY: Anthony has a question for Tracey since he's feeling high on life.

Ravenclaw. It certainly attracted the weird ones. )




WHO: Michael Corner, Felix Chambers, Parvati Patil, Terry Boot, Anthony Goldstein, Ginny Weasley, Seamus Finnigan, Neville Longbottom, Susan Bones, Shawna Capper, Millicent Bulstrode, Pansy Parkinson, NPC!Alecto Carrow, NPC!Amycus Carrow, NPC!Minerva McGonagall, NPC!Tilden Toots.
WHEN: Before/during/after the broadcast of Toots, Shoots, 'n' Roots.
WHERE: All over Hogwarts!
SUMMARY: Dumbledore's Army crashes the show!
WARNINGS: Mentions of torture.




WHO: Ashton Kim and Anthony Goldstein.
WHEN: Saturday morning, sometime after breakfast.
WHERE: Ravenclaw Tower staircase.
SUMMARY: Anthony comes across a recently hexed Ashton.
WARNINGS: Mentions of hexes used on students, a swear.

Fuckers. )



Once again, the students wake up to leaflets strewn around the castle, pinned to walls, left on tables in classrooms & the Great Hall & library, etc. They're double sided and written in very unremarkable printed handwriting designed to mimic newspaper style print.




IC/OOC: Slug Club Party




Slug Club Party invitation

Sent to all Slug Club members (except Ginny Weasley), Jack Sloper, Rhys Cadwallader, Lindsey Carmichael, Mallory Pips, Matthew Avery, Anthony Goldstein )



WHO: Anthony Goldstein & Tracey Davis.
WHEN: Saturday, February 4th sometime in the evening.
WHERE: Moaning Myrtle's Bathroom.
SUMMARY: Everything sucks, but let's pretend it doesn't really.

This whole place has seen better days. )



ic/ooc: audtions for MARTIN MIGGS, THE MAD MUGGLE!

Any interested students were welcome to attend the auditions, either as one to audition or one to watch in support. Those who wanted to audition were required to sign up and then were called up in random order once the actual auditions began.

Professor Slughorn was strong armed into greeting all of the students who came for auditions. He spoke briefly about all the WADA graduates that he had taught and went on a bit of a tangent about one in particular (really fantastic, always brought down the house and always had the best seats for me) before encouraging everyone to take this seriously and work hard for inter-house unity and the opportunity to participate in a cultural activity.

Alecto Carrow then 'introduced' Professor Mulciber and Librarian Pince. Professor Mulciber will be overseeing backstage development. Students who participate in helping to create sets, costumes, etc., will be given additional Charms extra credit. Librarian Pince is the stage manager.

She had people read from selections of works and sing parts of wizarding songs. No scripts were passed out but she assured them that it was a new play that would stun the wizarding world with it's class and deep meanings. Take that for what you will.

The cast list will be announced on Sunday, the 5th.



WHO: Anthony Goldstein & Pansy Parkinson.
WHEN: December 1996.
WHERE: The Astronomy Tower.
SUMMARY: A long time ago, we used to be toward each other kinda.

Fancy meeting you here and all. )



WHO: Anthony Goldstein & Padma Patil.
WHEN: November 6, 1997.
WHERE: Some abandoned classroom over there.
SUMMARY: So you've been stripped of your prefect badge...

This sucks )



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