trials & tribulations

Trials & Tribulations

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May 2017



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Posts Tagged: '%23+npc:+amycus+carrow'



WHO: Sally-Anne and Sara-Jane Perks, plus Amycus Carrow the Terrifying
WHEN: April 28, lunchtime
WHERE: Outside the Great Hall, through the corridors, up to the RoR.
SUMMARY: Sally’s terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day manages to avoid getting worse.
WARNINGS: Abuse of a Transfiguration book.

Necessity is the mother of invention. Sorry, McGonagall. )



It's time to practice the Cruciatus on your classmates! On Thursday and Friday Amycus will be pairing people up 'at random' in order to continue to practice. Those who refuse to participate will be both hit with stinging jinxes and sentenced to detention on Saturday morning. Their punishment? Continuing to be guinea pigs for the HEP Dark Arts class to practice on to their heart's content.

Pairings! )



WHO: Joanna Runcorn and Amycus and Alecto Carrow
WHEN: Following her warning to Seamus, on Sunday, April 23rd
WHERE: Carrows’ office to the dungeons
SUMMARY: Joanna doesn’t do her job and faces the consequences.
WARNINGS: PG-13, allusions to torture

She couldn’t find Seamus. She looked everywhere. She ransacked the boys’ room to see if there was any clue on where he had gone. Nothing, at all. )



WHO: Susan Bones, Michael Corner, Daniel Corner, Eloise Midgen, Amycus Carrow & Alecto Carrow.
WHEN: April 20, evening and post-dinner.
WHERE: Halls.
SUMMARY: Susan and Michael discuss plans post-Hogwarts, Eloise listens & snitches, the Carrows aren't pleased.
WARNINGS: Some violence.

Yeah I am a fucking member! )



WHO: Neville Longbottom, Alecto Carrow, Amycus Carrow & appearance by Draco Malfoy
WHEN: Tuesday, April 18; Sometime after dinner. Also mentions of incidents between Saturday and Monday, and Dark Arts class Tuesday.
WHERE: Primarily a random corridor.
SUMMARY: Neville sprouts a smart mouth, finds himself in a duel against the Carrows, and makes it to the Room of Requirement with a little bit of luck.
WARNINGS: Pretty much just mild violence?

I'll shut it when I see you and your ilk rotting in Azkaban. )



WHO: Oliver Robards, Viola Belby, Lexi Sloper, Rory Bell, Peter MacDonald, Jeremy Kingston, Michael Corner, Amycus Carrow, Alecto Carrow, Leopold Mulciber, Walden Macnair, Minerva McGonagall
WHEN: After curfew Thursday night / before breakfast Friday morning.
WHERE: Various places around the school, ending in the Great Hall.
SUMMARY: Some second years decide it's a good idea to go on a graffiti spree. Certain people don't agree.
WARNINGS: Mentions of punishment and torture.

It didn't take long to put the miscreants in chains. )



WHO: Anthony Goldstein, Ginny Weasley, Parvati Patil, Seamus Finnigan, Susan Bones, and vague mentions of the Carrows.
WHEN: Over the course of the past two days.
WHERE: Dungeon cells.
SUMMARY: Where, oh where, have the troublemakers gone? Oh where, oh where can they be?
WARNINGS: Mentions of gruesome torture.

Finally, they were free to go.  )



WHO: Ritchie Coote and the Carrows. Some Ruby Edgecombe, Romilda Vane & Jimmy Peakes.
WHEN: Thursday, during Charms. Before Dinner.
WHERE: The halls. A Carrow Office. Fourth year Gryffindor boys dorm.
SUMMARY: Interrogation. Some cute ??
WARNINGS: Torture. A swear.

‘What do you know of Dumbledore’s Army?’ ‘They think I have an infectious smile.’ )



HEP Meeting

When the students show up for this meeting immediately after dinner, some of them may be forgiven for thinking they’ve walked into a Slug Club meeting. There’s a buffet table with finger food and desserts, along with butterbeer and pumpkin juice on hand to drink. The Carrows were looking moderately happy for once in the past 24 hours, and they chat to the students as they arrive and encourage them to help themselves to the food and drink.

Once everyone has arrived and has had a chance to grab something, Amycus gestured for everyone to sit down.

“Alecto and I wanted to thank you all for your efforts in keeping order in the school, we appreciate everything you’ve been doing. We do have the awards ceremony coming up this weekend, of course, but we thought a special treat was in order after everyone’s hard work yesterday!” Alecto giggled in agreement, both of them smiling broadly to the students.

“We’ve been very pleased with those of you who have started the extra Dark Arts tutoring with Amycus, you’re all showing great promise!”

“I’d also like to invite Miss Capper and Miss Bulstrode to join us, your efforts yesterday to help apprehend the ridiculous pranksters yesterday have not gone unnoticed.” Amycus cast a glance over the rest of the group. “And there is always more room in the class for those who distinguish themselves! Never fear.”

“Now!” Alecto clapped her hands together. “That’s enough serious business for now. Please, eat and enjoy yourselves! And keep up all that hard work.”

She set a very old Weird Sisters album on to play while returning to speak to her brother, keeping an eye on everyone while also being available for the students to talk to while they were there.

Wasn’t this a nice treat everyone?



Good evening, Hogwarts.

At dinner, the Carrows have an announcement to make! Amycus stands on the dais, looking out over the students.

“All students are forbidden to access the Owlery until further notice. Any mail to be sent is to be handed to your Head of House, who will pass on your mail to be posted, presuming it does not contain any seditious material or false information. Likewise, all incoming mail will be inspected before distributed by your Head of House at their leisure.

All Hogwarts Enforcement Patrol members are invited to join me in my office after dinner for a very important meeting.” He smiled as he said it, even though his words were intended more as a command than an invitation.

“And the rest of you idiots should start to think long and hard about what you’re doing and the support you’re all showing to that so-called Army that is forcing our hand like this. The longer you continue to hide them from us, the longer we’ll have to punish you.” He turned and took his place at the teacher’s table, where once more he and Alecto were sitting down to a lavish meal, joined by Professors Mulciber and Macnair. The other teachers were treated to the meagre and plain meals previously served to the students.



WHO: Anthony Goldstein & the Carrows.
WHEN: Wednesday, March 29th after Muggle Studies.
WHERE: Alecto's office.
SUMMARY: Interrogations 2: Electric Boogaloo.
WARNINGS: Torture.

Okay. I’ll tell you. )




WHO: Michael Corner, Felix Chambers, Parvati Patil, Terry Boot, Anthony Goldstein, Ginny Weasley, Seamus Finnigan, Neville Longbottom, Susan Bones, Shawna Capper, Millicent Bulstrode, Pansy Parkinson, NPC!Alecto Carrow, NPC!Amycus Carrow, NPC!Minerva McGonagall, NPC!Tilden Toots.
WHEN: Before/during/after the broadcast of Toots, Shoots, 'n' Roots.
WHERE: All over Hogwarts!
SUMMARY: Dumbledore's Army crashes the show!
WARNINGS: Mentions of torture.




WHO: Jack Sloper, the Carrows, and Lexi Sloper.
WHEN: Tuesday before Muggle Studies, during Muggle Studies, and some time after lunch.
WHERE: Amycus's office, Muggle Studies classroom, and the great outdoors.
SUMMARY: The Spanish Inquisition.
WARNINGS: Vague mentions of torture.

Tell us who is involved in the Dumbledore's Army. )



WHO: The Carrows and Sally-Anne Perks
WHEN: March 23, afternoon.
WHERE: The Carrows’ office and outside Hufflepuff.
SUMMARY: The Carrows have questions. Sally doesn’t have answers. “Hilarity” ensues.
WARNINGS: Many jinxes. Much pain.

This is no laughing matter, Miss Perks. )



WHO: Michael Corner and Seamus Finnigan, with Alecto Carrow, Amycus Carrow, Leopold Mulciber and Walden Macnair.
WHEN: Wednesday night and Thursday day.
WHERE: Outside Ravenclaw & Gryffindor towers, Great Hall, then the Dark Arts classroom.
SUMMARY: Seamus and Michael miss curfew, and there's a couple of people who are very unhappy about this.
WARNINGS: Punishment and abuse of adolescents, mentions of the Imperius curse.

You've been a very naughty boy. )



Good morning Hogwarts!

At breakfast this morning Amycus Carrow has an announcement for you. There is a new professor sitting at the table having breakfast, talking to Alecto and Professor Mulciber and being eyed off by the other teachers. Some of you may recognise him as the Ministry's former Executioner, Walden Macnair.

Amycus introduces him as the new Care of Magical Creatures teacher, and advises students to report to a classroom on the third floor for their Care of Magical Creatures class.

At these classes you will be provided with new textbooks, which are publications from the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. They lay out the regulations for the control of magical creatures in Britain, and the offences in which can see magical creatures executed.



WHO: Stewart Ackerley and Amycus Carrow
WHEN: Sunday afternoon
WHERE: Near the library
SUMMARY: Stewart Ackerley gets some extra "tutoring."

Engorgio Skullus )



WHO: Susan Bones, Celia Brown, Alecto Carrow, Amycus Carrow, Stephen Cornfoot, NPC!Vincent Crabbe, Draco Malfoy, Liliana Moon, Parvati Patil.
WHEN: Friday, March 17, around 5pm.
WHERE: Hallways.
SUMMARY: The DA and the HEP get into a fight.
WARNINGS: Some language. Some gruesome details.

DA vs. HEP )



WHO: Parvati Patil, Alecto and Amycus Carrow
WHEN: Friday, during 7th year Transfiguration
WHERE: Transfiguration classroom, Alecto's office.
SUMMARY: Parvati is pulled out of class and questioned about Dumbledore's Army
WARNINGS: A little bit of torture

“Have I done something?”  )







IC/OOC: Morning Announcements

At breakfast today, Amycus made the following announcement:
"Displays of grandeur that serve to humiliate others will not be tolerated at Hogwarts, and we are deeply disappointed in the pupils responsible for last night's events. Once we find out who did it, they will be punished to the maximum, and we are taking all sorts of extra measures to make sure we achieve our goals. We want to keep all students of this castle safe, but we cannot do that when we are constantly undermined because of passing rumours. Above all else, the staff of this school is deserving of respect from their students.

We are also cancelling all clubs for the remainder of the year, with the exception of any club that we approve of or any meetings with another professor that are given prior approval. Groups of three or more will be considered a 'club' and will be punished accordingly, if the group is in any setting besides a classroom or a library.

And furthermore, all Dark Arts and Muggle Studies classes will be cancelled this week, due to a Career Fair. Each student must attend the fair, and have proof of attendance, in order for credit for your Dark Arts and Muggle Studies classes. More information about the week can be found in your respective common rooms. For further questions, contact your respective Heads of Houses."

Amycus also glared at the suspected DA members throughout his speech.



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