To Boldy Go | RPG Community

To Boldly Go

A Panfandom RPG

Space: the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise. Her ongoing mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and life civilizations, and to boldly go where no one has gone before.

February 2018



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Posts Tagged: 'lucifer+morningstar+%7C+lucifer'

Feb. 13th, 2018



[No Subject]

WHO: Shepherd Book and Lucifer Morningstar
WHEN: At the end of all things
WHERE: The lounge, as most Lucifer threads do
SUMMARY: Lucifer wants his friend to stick around
WARNINGS: Doubtful but maybe

Make peace with your life before you die. )

Feb. 11th, 2018



lucifer and peggy

WHO: Lucifer and Peggy
WHEN: 226502.11
WHERE: Peggy's office
SUMMARY: Will you stay or will you go now

Why doesn't it surprise me in the least that you'd want to set up the rest of your life on Risa. )

Jan. 19th, 2018



[No Subject]

WHO: Lucifer and Shepherd Book
WHEN: 226501.18
WHERE: Book's quarters
SUMMARY: Drinking buddies
WARNINGS: Drinking, discussion of nightmares, death, guilt
Reputations could be damaged, and Lucifer wasn't about to let that happen. )

Jan. 10th, 2018



Beckett and Lucifer

WHO: Lucifer and Kate
WHEN: 226501.09
WHERE: Kate's quarters
SUMMARY: Hugs from the Devil
WARNINGS: A deathiversary

What's today? )

Jan. 6th, 2018



[No Subject]


Welcome to the Deck 5 Lounge

Each Saturday, join the Enterprise crew and your fellow travelers in the Deck Five Lounge to meet new arrivals, catch up with those you haven't seen in a few days, try a new drink, or just enjoy the spectacular view.
OOC Information

These weekly posts are IC third-person threading opportunities. Threads that extend to 10 total good-sized comments can be counted as a log for activity check. If you have any questions, please let me know. The hope is that you will use this opportunity for random character interactions and development.

Jan. 3rd, 2018



So is this confession time? How's that go?

WHO: Lucifer Morningstar and Shepherd Book
WHEN: 226412 after this exchange
WHERE: The Lounge
SUMMARY: Confession time with the devil and the preacher

Bless me father, for I have sinned… )

Dec. 24th, 2017



Morning, sunshine.

WHO: Daisy and Lucifer
WHEN: 226412.23
WHERE: Lucifer's room
SUMMARY: After a night of too many drinks...

He'd changed the subject and kept the drinks flowing. )

Dec. 23rd, 2017



Tell me what it is that you desire.

WHO: Lara Croft and Lucifer Morningstar
WHEN: 226412.21
WHERE: The Deck 5 Lounge
SUMMARY: A conversation

Honestly, I could really go for a biscuit right now. )



[No Subject]

Who: Daniel Jackson & Lucifer
What: Awkward fun meeting
Where: Gym
When: Evening
Rating: ?
Status: Incomplete

Read more... )

Dec. 17th, 2017



Hopefully this time I won't disappear against my will.

WHO: Peggy Carter and Lucifer Morningstar
WHEN: Back on Risa
WHERE: A beach on Risa
SUMMARY: Catching up.

'I looked you up.' )

Dec. 4th, 2017



Isabela and Lucifer

WHO: Isabela and Lucifer
WHEN: 226412.04
WHERE: On a beach in Risa
SUMMARY: A reunion of beautiful people.
WARNINGS: Unlikely.

Risa was paradise. )

Dec. 2nd, 2017



[No Subject]


Welcome to the Saturday night on Risa

This evening, join your fellow travelers and crew for a private bonfire on the beach on Risa. Meet new arrivals, catch up with those you haven't seen in a few days, try a new drink, or just enjoy the spectacular weather.
OOC Information

These weekly posts are IC third-person threading opportunities. Threads that extend to 10 total good-sized comments can be counted as a log for activity check. If you have any questions, please let me know. The hope is that you will use this opportunity for random character interactions and development.

Nov. 26th, 2017



peggy and lucifer; reunited

WHO: Peggy Carter and Lucifer Morningstar
WHERE: Risa's temporary traveler liaison office
SUMMARY: Reunited and it feels so… good?

'You pulled me away from my mai tai on the beach, you know.' )

Oct. 22nd, 2017



[No Subject]

WHO: Clark Kent and Lucifer Morningstar
WHEN: Backdated to a week or so ago
SUMMARY: Roommates talking about capes.

I'm guessing you look a lot better in the cape. )

Oct. 18th, 2017



[No Subject]

WHO: Kate Beckett and Lucifer Morningstar
WHEN: 2246.10.06. Somewhere around lunch.
WHERE: The Deck 5 Lounge
STATUS: Complete
SUMMARY: Lucifer gives Beckett a guitar, Beckett tells him she’s trying to have a baby with Castle. Lucifer freaks out because kids are scary.

My looks and Castle’s charm on a kid? That’s deadly. Even you wouldn’t be able to resist that. )

Jul. 29th, 2017



[No Subject]

WHO: Lucifer and Shepherd
WHEN: Back sometime when Chloe was still around
WHERE: The Deck Five Lounge
SUMMARY: The devil and a preacher meet at a bar...
STATUS: Complete

'Well, for being the literal devil, you're not so bad yourself.' )

Jul. 23rd, 2017



[No Subject]

Who: Frost and Lucifer
Where: The Lounge
When: 226407.23, evening
What: Lucifer has earned the right to gloat
Rating: PG, probably
Status: Complete

Frost really was glad to be back on the Enterprise, away from everything that had happened at home over the last six months with some space to think and decide who exactly she wanted to be. This ship, with all its oddities and its people from so many different worlds was the perfect respite. She could stay busy, make new friends, and decide just how much of Caitlin Snow was still inside of her.

She was genuinely pleased by the warm reception from the people who were still here. It was hard to imagine what it must have been like for them, being here all this time. But she was glad for the familiar faces, in particularly Lucifer's. Of all the friends she'd made, of all the pep talks she'd had, the devil had known how to reach her. How to make her see that she didn't have to be evil, that she could control it. And he was right.

Frost walked into the lounge and looked around. It was quiet for a weekend evening, which maybe made this easier. She crossed the room to her friend, all smiles, her platinum curls bouncing out behind her. "Lucifer."

Jul. 11th, 2017



[No Subject]

WHO: Diana Prince and Lucifer Morningstar
WHEN: After Lucifer got his wings in Hawaii, before Chloe Decker shows up
WHERE: The Deck Five Lounge and the Gym
SUMMARY: Wonder Woman meets the Devil, a punch is thrown, and they bitch about humanity. And there's scotch.
WARNINGS: Only that humanity will probably devour itself eventually. Carry on.

It's a lot easier if you don't care. )

Jul. 4th, 2017



[No Subject]

WHO:Lucifer Morningstar and Chloe Decker
WHEN: 226407.02
WHERE: Chloe’s Quarters
SUMMARY: Answered questions. No more secrets.
STATUS: Complete

'Welcome to my life, Detective.' )

Jun. 27th, 2017



[No Subject]

WHO: Beckett and Lucifer
WHEN: 226406.21
WHERE: Beckett and Castle's room
SUMMARY: Discussing life threatening situations and pseudo-break-ups
STATUS: Complete

Rolling her eyes at him, Kate reached out to grab one of the throw pillows on the sofa and, in one smooth motion, hurled it across the room so that it smacked Lucifer square in the face. )