Posts Tagged: 'c:+gideon+prewett'

Oct. 8th, 2019



12 August : I Love It When A Plan Comes Together

Who: Prewetts, species Fabianus and Gideonus
What: Planning a heist
When: August 12, evening
Where: Fabian's flat
Warnings: None significant

Fabian assigned himself the role of the five-year-old and began to poke holes in the plan. )

Sep. 4th, 2019



23 July: You Know How Sirius Feels About His Mother

Who: Sirius Black, Gideon Prewett, Fabian Prewett, and guest appearance by Nelly
What: Sirius at least temporarily diverts a discussion about one horcrux into a discussion about another.
When: Lunch time, 23 July
Where: Fabian's flat, near his office on Diagon Alley

... and that is why we're having lunch and conspiring to burgle your ancestral townhouse. )

Aug. 29th, 2019



August 2: Tome Raiders

Who: Fabian and Gideon Prewett and Lily Potter
What: Creating Alkahest to melt horcruxes
When: bog knows August 2nd
Where: Cor Tewdws
Warnings: Alchemy? Improper invocations of bog? Otherwise, probably not.

'This is what you were doing in Wales. Camping.' 'Probably technically glamping, but yeah' )

Aug. 8th, 2019



July 27: Morning

Who: The Prewett twins
What: Plotting, planning, consulting
When: Morning of 27 July
Where: Fabian's flat
Warnings: Discussion of horcruxes, betrayals, and other Death Eater type deeds.

I'll read the details in the libretto of the eventual opera. )

Jul. 29th, 2019



Warded Journal Posts

Warded to Sirius Black and the Prewett Brothers


Fabian and I came up with a fascinating new way to try to locate the confounded things we're looking for.

And one of them leads right to needing your help. And your clearest thinking and planning.


Jul. 24th, 2019



20 July: Bobbing for Horcruxes

Who: Gideon and Fabian Prewett, with a guest appearance by Minerva McGonagall
What: Dowsing for Horcruxes
When: Midmorning, 20 July
Where: Hogwarts Great Hall
Warnings: Foulmouthed Haberdashery

Should all this go horribly wrong, I will disavow any knowledge or approval of this entire experiment. )

Jul. 17th, 2019



July 17

Fabian and I have returned from our camping holiday in darkest South Wales. A bit of spelunking, a bit of getting away from it all, a bit of hiking, and a lot of ancient woodlands and picturesque ruins.

Even a few of the Welsh were there, if you can believe it!

What did we miss?

[Warded to McGonagal and the Brothers Prewett]


Fabian and I have found that our improvised method of map-dowsing was successful. It allowed us to locate Bangor Tewdws, which, when we announce the finding, will be the foremost discovery of magical archaeology of the 21st century. You may need to give us endowed chairs in archaeology and establish Hogwarts' claim to the site through us to keep it from getting ruined. Fabian will probably want to negotiate terms with you.

On a very practical note, the method we've got will be ideal for finding the horcruxes, but we'll need three things.
1: a related artifact to use as the dowsing focus
2: a large scale map
3: a high-ceilinged greatroom in which to spread the map.

Can we ask you for the loan of the Hogwarts commons and the Sword of Godric Griffyndor? We will give them back when we're done.

Jul. 3rd, 2019



2 July, South Wales

Who: The Prewett twins
What: Proof of concept of their divination efforts part two
When: 2 July, evening
Where: Llantwit Major, Wales
Warnings: NSFW language

We are seeking the College of Theodosius, or what is left of it )

Jun. 22nd, 2019



28 June: Friday night research

What do you two know about Dark Marks? The tattoo variety rather than the ominous one in the sky. And how it may or may not work with or against the Order Pact?


I really don’t mean to be dramatic, but the world hates, me doesn’t it? This is punishment for actually being happy. I am also still switching between wanting to rattle him and wanting to wrap him up and never let anything touch him.

This is also a very solemn question: am I a bad friend? Specifically have I been a bad friend to Peter?

As a general inquiry, what do you know about trauma? Mental rather than purely physical. What sort of treatment options are out there?

Peter is at the flat. Let’s try not to kill him. Please.

Jun. 14th, 2019



June 6, after this.

Secure Text: Claire & the Prewett Twins )

Jun. 6th, 2019



[No Subject]

Who: The Prewett twins
What: Proof of concept
When: Thursday night, 6 June
Where: Outbuilding on the Prewett grounds
Warnings: None significant.

Heels over head, I'm falling heels over head... )

May. 18th, 2019



IC/OOC - Dragonfire plotting

Who: A bunch of Order people (MWPP+L, the Prewetts, the McGonagalls)
What: Testing and planning for the Dragonfire flight
When: Afternoon of Friday 18 May
Where: Deserted Banchory Quidditch Pitch (rumoured to be haunted)
Warnings: None expected.

Agenda under the cut. )

May. 1st, 2019



[No Subject]

The Hedge Witches' Society Spring Fete! )

Apr. 30th, 2019



[No Subject]

Secure Text: Claire Rookwood and Gideon Prewett )

Apr. 22nd, 2019



[No Subject]

Who: Gideon Prewett and His Sister Molly
What: Gideon tests the oath
When: 21 April
Where: The Burrow
Warnings: Just family love

So the secret is 'squeak', is it? )

Apr. 3rd, 2019



3 April: Order Check In

Filter: Members of the Order of the Phoenix )

Apr. 1st, 2019



[No Subject]

Birthday owl post to ickle Fred and George )

Mar. 28th, 2019



[No Subject]

Who: The Prewett twins
What: Maths and other difficult topics
When: Evening of 27 March
Where: Music room, Prewett House
Warnings: Mild language. Egregious references to canon.

I spent four hours this morning researching someone named Pierre de Fermat, who lost a theorem for 400 years or so. Careless bloke. )

Mar. 14th, 2019



14 March: Order Meeting

Who: All Order Members
What: A meeting!
When: Thursday 14 March, evening
Where: London Safe House
Warnings: Given nature of the meeting, likely nothing too graphic, but will discuss the Battle of Godric's Hollow and character's death or injuries.

Mar. 11th, 2019



[No Subject]

Who: Fabian & Gideon Prewett & Molly Weasley
What: The aftermath of the final battle
When: Early morning 1 February (backstory)
Where: The Burrow
Warnings: Discussion of fighting and deaths.

Hearts of Oak/Heads to match! )