Jun. 27th, 2012


Who Ba'al and Evron
What Being penciled in / Insane-Limo Pick-up
Where Whereva they cruisin'
Warnings No Telling - but so far / Demon Pimps / Drugs, Alcohol / Nudity / TBA
Status In Progresso

V.I.P. )

Jun. 8th, 2012


Delivery to Evron's home carried by vulture )


It's called the Nathanie-MacRonald Pup-Factory
It's a Doggie Rescue Foundation for stray and abandoned pets.


May. 2nd, 2012


Who Caim & Evron
What/Type Part 1 of AIM Chat entitled Beyond the Circle - or Plans on how to Take down a King - Avoiding Shinkana - Chat about London - Minzy - Adam - Some of Astarte - and how to get onto Jules & Jeremie's Blessed Farmland
Warnings Language, adult smex speak, Chat... to be continued.

You'll run the show. I'll be at your side.  )

Apr. 28th, 2012


Caim was known as a little songbird

Who Caim and Evron
When Within 2 minutes of the last tag here - in that 2 minutes Caim posted this
Where Hell
What "Dealing with the chaos that spawned from his union"
Warnings TBD: Could be High, could be nothing? language, violence, anything really. There's just no telling at this point.
Status In Progress

Evron finally tapped into what he'd never witnessed in his mother before, the reason the King of Mars coveted his destructive spirit )

Apr. 23rd, 2012


Who Caim and Evron
Type Aim Chat
What The chat that happened alongside Caim's chat with Abel, mostly Evron whinging about Caim's weaknesses.
Warnings Language
Status Complete

I said I would talk to him. Don't run off and do something stupid. This is the weakness I was talking about earlier )

Apr. 18th, 2012


Who Caim and Evron
Type Aim Chat
Warnings Language, speak of smexy and baby killing, a bit of bickering indeed
What They weed through a lot of problems including abandonment, Minzy, training London, the Jules/Jeremie situation with their kid, mentions of Andy, Abel and Dante, and King Iammax, Rayven's child, and Astarte, Shinkana, Amon and Asmo too. They cover a lot of ground.
Status Complete

For all that you preach to me about weaknesses...you have your own. You simply get up and run off to have fun when things get to stressful for you? I needed you and others obviously needed you as well )

Mar. 13th, 2012


Who Evron & Atlas & Ba'al
When March 13th
Where Evron's office then to the ZIM compound
What Atlas shows up to paint Evron's office and "pay up" on a deal, but Ba'al finally calls on Evron right when Evron was about to get paid back and Atlas says he doesn't do call backs - then on to Ba'al's summoning.
Warnings Adult Smexy turned disappointment / Language
Status In Progresso

Oh how he wanted to fall to the floor and scream like a five year old child )

Feb. 28th, 2012


Who Atlas & Evron
What AIM Chat
When Feb 28 - National Chocolate Souffle Day
Warning links with nudity - vulgarity
Status Complete

what's a promise from a compulsive liar? )

Feb. 26th, 2012


Who: Minzy and Evron
Where: The Okefenokee Swamp in Georgia. This is where his coordinates led.
What: First time meeting in person
Warning: Not sure yet
Status: Not complete

She wasn't going to admit this to a soul and it angered her deep within.  )

Feb. 18th, 2012


Who: [info]strcrowndserpnt, [info]nathaniel_ & [info]rayvenisisrb
When: February 18th - Evening
What: A little talk & saying goodbye
Where: The Celestial Realm Burlesque Hall
Rating: TBA

Let this all be a silly dream... )


Private to Fleece )

Private to Evron )

Feb. 12th, 2012


Who Caim & Evron
When Feb 10th
Where Caim's in Italy - Evron's in Boston
What AIM Chat
Warning Typos galore and lots of language and adult topics and long
Status Complete

Well your Mother's back in town baby, fuck them all, I don't think you really have a grasp on how I do things, You will see, in time )

Jan. 30th, 2012


Who: Evron and Caim
Where: Caim's home in Boston.
What: Caim shows off his various forms.
When: Backdated - Wed, Jan 25th.
Rating: TBA
Status: In Progress

It was quite simple...she didn’t like sharing. )