Apr. 25th, 2012


Who: Kayden and Star.
Type: Thread.
Where: Shrink's Office.
When: April 24th. Around Midday.
What: Kayden's regular trip to therapy turns out to be not so regular after all.
Warning: TBD, so far language.
Status: In Progress.

Apr. 24th, 2012


Who Star and Ba'al
What A day in the life - or Astarte popping in without warning while Ba'al was busy tending to his flock.
Where The room of the morbidly obese watching soap operas
Warnings Not much.
Status Complete

Like the Sands Through the Hourglass So Are the Days of Our Lives )

Mar. 16th, 2012


Private to Asmo and Amon - but viewable for Star to read - Private within a private )


Who Caim and Star
When The night after Caim threatened Star and Asmo after the whole unicorn incident and Caim went running to Abel
Where About a block down the road from Abel's place, on a bench
What Star and Caim start to understand one another better when it comes to Evron
Warnings Language TBD

This was what Caim was so known for, why he was such a lunatic, a maniac really, because that same passion pushed him into taking so many dangerous risks and he heeded little warnings and gambled all when he believed in something and Caim just placed all his bets on Star )

Mar. 14th, 2012



Private to Mammon )

Feb. 19th, 2012


Who Caim & Star
When Feb 18th
What AIM chat about Evron's unborn and Caim's official threat
Warning Arguing - loosely talking of killing people
Status Complete

Yeah, we shall end it. I made my point. For now. And really, it wont be many more times. I don't bicker. I get things done. good night )

Feb. 18th, 2012


Who: [info]strcrowndserpnt, [info]nathaniel_ & [info]rayvenisisrb
When: February 18th - Evening
What: A little talk & saying goodbye
Where: The Celestial Realm Burlesque Hall
Rating: TBA

Let this all be a silly dream... )

Feb. 10th, 2012


Who Astarte/Astaroth & Ba'al
Where Astarte's room in the palace
What Delicate news and foreshadows of Hell's minds at work
When Feb 9th
Warnings None
Status Complete

what that might signify for all of Hell )

Feb. 3rd, 2012


Private to Astarte )

Jan. 20th, 2012


Ah, Boston. So much different than New Orleans, and yet - one can't help but notice that there are similarities. Both are peopled with a blend of all the walks of life, and each has its stake in the history of this fine nation. Most wouldn't take these things in to account, would they? Or, perhaps I'm just stroking my own ego in the ability to notice what I'm not sure most other people do? Regardless, hello to you all. I am Takeshi Inagawa. I own the Celestial Realm Burlesque Hall. Real burlesque, too, mind. While there is an very wide edge of sensuality in the acts we stage, we don't allow what most people today consider burlesque. We're refined in that we seek to entertain the old notions of the word. That being said, we have nights dedicated to both Drag Queens and Kings, and that upon such nights - I do take the stage myself. Some of you may know me better as Hoshiko Orochi, and some of you may not know me at all. For those who do not, I beg the indulgence of allowing me to give you an education in myself. I also beg the indulgence that you will spare my establishment a visit. Now, all of that aside, I do have a very deep question to ask you all. . .

What is the most important thing in your life, and if it were taken away - suddenly and without any promise that it would be given back - how would you react?

Jan. 14th, 2012


Who: Astarte/Astaroth & Beelzebub.
What: Star felt lonely.
When: Before Star has fully settled in Boston.
Where: Zim's Compound.
Rating: TBA, but probably will be 'mature'.
Status: Incomplete

Star wasn't supposed to be there. )