Aug. 12th, 2012


Who: Asmo & the Theo part of Zirnitra
What: Daddy asked, Theo came
Where: Asmo's side
When: After this
Warnings: Language?

If you'd call me now baby, I'd come a running. I'm on call to be there )

May. 29th, 2012


Who [info]mothridden [info]threepointwyrm and an appearance by [info]albinoman
Where A free Circus Workshop outside of an elementary school
What Atlas meets one-third of Zirnitra
Warning Language and TBD
Status In Progress

Come one. Come all. Come if you dare. Watch and stare! The aerial artistry of the worlds' most talented knife thrower, speed king extraordinaire, record holder, Artist Impale!!!! And his death defying, crazy ass mother fucker, the Wiggle Worm Target Boyyyyyyy! Ahhhhhhhh! )