September 2024




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Mar. 28th, 2024


I wanted to introduce myself as I'm a new arrival or addition however you want to look at it.

My name is Lan-Xuan, but most call me Lan. I will be joining the Big Top as the newest trickshooter, a position I'm aware was recently made available due to a very unfortunate loss. I am not looking to replace Patric or diminish his memory but rather make the role my own and I look forward to getting to know you all better.

I trust everybody had fun at the party I missed?

Mar. 7th, 2024


I'm going to apologise in advance before I offend or upset anyone today.

I am feeling crabby as fuck so maybe just avoid me.

Or better yet I'll just keep to myself.

Mar. 6th, 2024


WHO Rowan and Astrid
WHEN Tuesday afternoon
WHERE Rowan's trailer
WHAT Trading honey for haberdashery
WARNINGS likely nothing

No direction but to follow what you know )

Mar. 4th, 2024


Monday morning

Would anyone like honey or honeycomb? My bees have been prolific over our time in Marrakesh and there's more than even I can eat. Since the moment I told them of Patric's death they have been working so hard for me, my little friends.

I will be interested to see what flavors this new city imparts on their product while we are here.

Mar. 3rd, 2024


It’s that point in the leg of our journey where my blades are going in to be sharpened in earnest.

Always more fun when they’re super sharp.

Mar. 1st, 2024


Hello! I hope everyone has had a fantastic day so far! My name is Astrid and I'm new! Well...I've been here a week, so kind of new. I'm so excited to meet you all even if some of you are a little scary.

Anyway! I'm the new costumer and seamstress. I'm in the process of setting up shop, but I'm ready to start taking on projects! I'm really looking forward to creating costumes for the amazing performers here! Everyone is so talented and amazing! I promise to do my best to create the perfect costume for everyone! I make regular clothes too, if anyone needs a new pair of pants or shirt or something.

Even if you don't need any new outfits or costumes, please come by anyway to say hi!!

Feb. 25th, 2024


text message: rowan

Miss Rowan, I have some grave news. It's about [...] Patric's murder.

Feb. 24th, 2024


Friday afternoon

I feel the change will soon be coming, as my tree groans and stretches in the Big Top when it awaits the move. It knows before I do, more a part of the circus now than a part of me. At times like these I always miss being able to be inside it most. As nice as it is to be with you all, I miss sleeping beneath the bark.

The shows have had a gap since Patric's passing, and I feel like the circus misses its gunslinger. I wonder if when we reach our new destination it will find itself someone to fill the space. The circus, I find, always gets what it needs.

I hope we can leave these dark memories behind, and find ourselves somewhere warm and loving.

Feb. 15th, 2024


Wednesday night

Karolina has asked for there to be a memorial service for Patric, and I am honored to lead such a thing for him. It will be the last time that I am able to announce anything for my trick shooter, and all in the Big Top will feel his loss immeasurably.

Please, come to join us on Sunday night after sun down. We will gather in the stands closest to to my tree and tell our stories of Patric and drink to his memory.

I hope that justice is found and the truth of what happened to him is open to us all, but this night will be only for bidding him farewell.