September 2024




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Sep. 17th, 2024


WHO Hala and OPEN Revai
WHEN Sunday evening, 15 September
WHERE Faerie, the goblin market
WHAT Careful where you go looking; you might not like what you see

Fairy trods were always a mistake. )

Sep. 4th, 2024


6:59 am Wednesday

I know it's been said already, but if you're missing things please come check the admin trailers. There's only so many piles of other people's shit Reggie and I want to walk around every day. With all these colder wet days here could really use my trusted leather jacket. And yet where, oh mighty cirque, have you moved it?

There's a market this morning so while the rest of you enjoy your beauty sleep, I'll be out seeing what deals I can wrangle for the catering staff and getting some tej for myself. (And if you haven't tried tej yet you should, it's practically the national drink.)

Sep. 3rd, 2024


Well, doesn't somebody think she's being funny.


Looking for this?

[Attached is a photo of a photo, a rather thirsty snap of a shirtless Reggie.]

Aug. 20th, 2024


WHO Hala and Matias
WHEN Tuesday, late morning
WHERE Joatinga Beach
WHAT Crossing paths

twist and loop )

Aug. 4th, 2024


Sunday, before 5am

Hala wakes in the dark, a rushing in her ears and a tentative predawn glow leaking through the crack in the curtains.

She lies there, breathing through a wave of dizziness, and rubs the bridge of her nose, massaging at a pressure that's been building for a full week— that is, quite suddenly, no longer there.

They've moved. )

Aug. 3rd, 2024


8/4 morning

Difficult to believe that this temperature counts for winter here.

Jul. 30th, 2024


WHO Hala and Nyx
WHEN Wednesday afternoon
WHERE Tools/equipment storage
WHAT Hala is going about her business; somebody forgot to word up Nyx

Hala could feel the coming move like a shift in the weather. )

Jul. 29th, 2024


4am Monday

Italy Italy you have so much pasta but some of it is very boring. I like all the shapes though but they should make them all taste different. the tie ones should taste like ties and the spiral ones should taste like drill bits and the ones shaped like dinosaurs they should taste like dinosaurs so we can find out what dinosaurs taste like.

and AGAIN i'm the one who has to have all the best ideas around here.

Hey what do a Selkie and a Ziploc Bag have in common?

Jul. 26th, 2024


A new night, a new city, but always the perverts serve to provide a reassuring constant. Take off your top. Real mermaids don't wear bras. Boy, a real mermaid would strip your flesh from your bones before you had time to squeal. Sometimes I marvel at their self-restraint, that they haven't.

Jul. 20th, 2024


WHO Hala and Vairea
WHEN Friday morning
WHERE The big top
WHAT Daily routine and a chance encounter

Hala had spent seventy-four years racing the tide. )

Jul. 9th, 2024


Tuesday 07/09/24 - Morning

I guess if Tris is going to be brave enough to make a post on this thing, I should too

I remember hearing that the trailers belonging to the staff sometimes get personalized to fit the person living there? I found an electric keyboard in mine after the move.

Malin )

Dietre )

Luke )

Jul. 7th, 2024


10:55 am Sunday, 7 July

[So far Patricia has avoided making any posts on the network but there comes a time for everything, especially as she's trying hard to actually meet others now. Speaking to only one couple was not being sociable, and she owed that much to herself and Matias.]

Italy seems like a place with many things to see. I joined the circus when it arrived in Haarlem and have not left the grounds of it since, but does everyone always go explore when the circus arrives in new cities?

I haven't met almost everyone who works here, but I have seen many of you and some have tried to greet me. I apologize for being rude. I am Patricia, or Tris if you would prefer. I am working in the Hall of Mirrors.

Jul. 6th, 2024


Saturday morning

I kept hearing fireworks yesterday. This is Italy, is it not? Why do American holidays seep into every corner of the globe?

Hello. We've not spoken before, but Patrick mentioned me to you as someone he cared deeply about. I was surprised to see he has taken his leave. How are you doing?

Did Patrick come to see you?