September 2024




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Jun. 1st, 2024


1 June, early afternoon

Our good lady cirque is feeling chatty today, it seems. Unfortunately, she had no great revelations to share, and now I have the worst headache. Let us try to find and eject our unwanted guest before she feels inclined to reach out again, because I don't know that my brain is quite up to the task.

What little I gleaned is that the interloper is sewing chaos and intent on hurt, and we picked it up en route to our current location. I know, I know, it's not particularly helpful. But I suppose we can be reassured that our mistress is as unhappy as the rest of us about recent events.

May. 28th, 2024


Messages - Wednesday, May 29th - Late Evening/Night

[The below is sent immediately after the events of this log as Isaac is limping through the midway]

We've had another incident. This time it involved Callisto, Ren and Fynch. I'm not going to go into details right now, but I was able to step in and stop what was happening. The entity is no longer in Callisto, but it's probalby best to leave her alone.

I cannot stress this enough: If you see something strange or someone acting out of the ordinary call a member of security immediately. Let one of us handle it.

[Message to Laura] )

[Mass Message to James, Malin, Nadine, Niamh & Phineas] )

[Message to Callisto] )

[Message to Dante and Asher] )

[Messages to Hemlock] )

[Unsent Message to Kit and Mona] )

May. 22nd, 2024


WHO: Alix, Liam, Reggie, Asher
WHEN: Thursday, May 23, evening
WHERE: Staff Area
WHAT: Alix tries to get Liam's digits
WARNINGS: Graphic depiction of someone getting maimed via alligator mouth and all that comes with it.
STATUS: Complete

More fingers? More fingers. )

May. 3rd, 2024


Thursday afternoon

I cannot believe I even have to say this to a group of fucking adults but in no universe is a food fight acceptable behaviour for the cirque. What a disgusting waste of resources and complete disrespect to the catering team who work hard every day to keep hundreds fed and to the cleaning team who have to then deal with your mess.

I hope every one of you involved has apologised.

Apr. 25th, 2024


does anyone want to visit the oiwa shrine with me or the komine tunnel
i promise i won't bite

[ james ]

what have you been up to

[ asher ]

why haven't we caused any trouble yet?

Apr. 21st, 2024


So... what did I miss? And more importantly, did anybody miss me?

It's been a while.