June 2024



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May. 29th, 2024


attention spirit workers
why don't you have a seance
and bring the entity to you
and then maybe perform an exorcism
or bind it to something

May. 26th, 2024


Who: Mihail and Alix
What: Mihail is on the case.
Where: Midway
When: Sunday, after sundown
Warnings: None yet

Treats always sounded nice. )

May. 25th, 2024


Early Sunday Morning

Deliveries made to the following, before sun up, left on porches or doorsteps.


Deliveries. )

May. 23rd, 2024


WHO Mona & Mihail
WHEN Wednesday night (with some catch up on previous nights)
WHERE Around the staff areas
WHAT Not quite the knight in shining armour.
WARNINGS references to assault and murder

How did I end up with this deadly home address? )

May. 22nd, 2024


the shop has changed
it looks like this now
i also need to find a new tattoo artist
bliss left
[ ooc note: pretend it says "frankiestein piercing & tattoos" ]

May. 20th, 2024


Who: Reggie and Mihail
What: One very maudlin vampire runs into one very unrepentant incubus.
When: May 21, before dawn
Where: Cirque
Warning: NA

Oh, Mr George. )

May. 18th, 2024


Sunday - May 19 - 9:00 pm

[Posting the below all in the same entry to spare people's Friends lists]

[Message to Mikhi sent after the events of this log]

Mikhi, it's Isaac. Something has happened with Vairea. She's alright, but I need to talk to you.

[Sent out to the general Cirque Community about 30 minutes later]

There has been an incident. Lottie Palmer was killed earlier this morning by Vairea. I have her in the custody of the security team, but I don't believe she was in control when this happened. The Cirque doesn't seem to think so either since it hasn't tried to dole out any punishment.

What I think has happened is that we may have some kind of entity or force that's able to posses people. From what Vairea has told me it seems as if once this thing possesses someone, it makes them do bad things, such as acts of sabotage or violence. Someone possessed may feel as though they are hungover at the beginning.

Anyone with knowledge about entities or ghosts, I could really use your input about what we may be dealing with and how to stop it.

In the meantime: please be careful. If you see anyone acting strangely, DO NOT APPROACH THEM! Report them to me, Dante or Asher immediately.

[Filtered to Levi and Alix]

Lottie's body is by Storage Trailer #3. Can you meet me there, please?

[Filtered to Arden]

Vairea mentioned being compelled to loosen the bolts to the grandstands in the Big Top.

May. 11th, 2024


WHO Lamb and Mihail
WHEN Tuesday, 7th May
WHERE The cirque dining tent (Yokohama)
WHAT Two monsters meet up

And as trapped as we are, it's the devil we know )

May. 5th, 2024


WHO Radhika & Mihail
WHEN Saturday night
WHERE Suadela
WHAT Hello there, Mr Security
WARNINGS tba? flirting so much though

... )