September 2024




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Sep. 18th, 2024


Penelope & Sloane & Isaac

WHAT: A rescue mission, or helping Mittens escape the menagerie.
WHEN: Wednesday, Septemeber 19, during the band performance
WHERE: Duke Byrd's Menagerie

SFW | In Progress
Mittens wasn't a what, but a who.

Sep. 16th, 2024


[ monday night.]

hello. the oddest thing happened to me while at the goblin market. i have done a lot of thinking about it. a woman on tiktok with purple hair and a septum piercing suggested it is best to share thoughts that have a tendency to perseverate. a small woman with long dark hair and skin that shone like opaline put her warm fingers onto my arm when i reached for a phial of milkteeth mixed with moonlight. her eyes were a brilliant blue. she thanked me for helping to find out what happened to her daughter and said she had never expected to see me again. i did not know how to tell her that i was not the person she thought i was. i do not know what to do when somebody thinks that they recognise me. but what i do know is that whoever miranda bancroft is that she helps people and this woman never forgot her. thanks for reading.

Sep. 14th, 2024


Penelope & Laura

WHAT: Two old...friends(?), yes friends meet unexpectedly
WHEN: Wednesday morning, September 11 (backdated)
WHERE: Medical Tent

SFW | Finished
"It's hard to belong anywhere these days."

Sep. 10th, 2024


Tuesday afternoon, September 10

This isn't exactly like all the other things people posted recently, but is anyone missing a cat? Can we have pets? I returned from the marketplace and found a one curled up on my porch. It won't leave. and is currently eating bits of ham

Sep. 2nd, 2024


Kit & Penelope

WHAT: Locating lost things
WHEN: Monday evening, September 2nd
WHERE: The Cirque

SFW | In Progress
Surrounded by bits of quartz, turquoise, and amethyst was a pocket watch.

Aug. 27th, 2024


Who: Revai and Penelope
When: Aug 20, evening
Where: Staff area
What: Rev re-meets his former experiment chewtoy.
Warnings: Emotional manipulation, mentions of captivity/the experimental facility some chars were in

Penelope? )

Aug. 15th, 2024


I've never been to a Brazilian steakhouse before. Or Brazil But I found a churrascaria nearby with good reviews. Though they were in English and maybe are tourist traps I was thinking of going Monday, if anyone would like to join me in eating your weight in grilled meat.

Jul. 19th, 2024


Italian coffee culture includes not ordering a cappuccino in the evening.