Oct. 25th, 2008


Who: Hunter Christenson and Denim Warner/Christenson (Depends on which part of the thread it's at! OMG so exciting!); NPC Hunter's father (at some point), more possible NPCs [King Louie and The Wardrobe]
What: A montage thread! Pretty much different parts of Oct. 24th-26th
When: Their wedding day! October 25th
Where: Their place; The reception; Various other places
Status: Open to [info]shops_foryou only, unless we decide later on we want others?

Oh, the blues will be blue/And the jealousy's green/But when love picks its shade/It demands to be seen/The red strokes/Passions engaged/Thundering moments of tenderness rage/Whoa, the red strokes/Fearlessly drawn/Burning the night like the dawn )

Aug. 3rd, 2008


Who: Denim and Hunter
What: Its her Birthday
When: Backdated to the 31st
Where: Places
Rating: TBD
Open?: Nope

Twenty six years ago today on a cruise ship in the middle of some ocean she'd been born...and it was deemed the best day ever )

Jun. 25th, 2008


Who: Lacey Fox, Ally Christenson, and Hunter Christenson; Possible appearance by Tess Christenson [The Fox, Little Teapot, and King Louie; Snow Queen]; NPC Andrea Fox
What: Lacey and Hunter are forcing her out of bed for her birthday
Where: Her bedroom
When: Her birthday, the 25th, noon
Rating: No idea
Status: Open to [info]wannabelikeyou, [info]ima_little_tpot, and [info]snowqueen

Happy birthday to you... )

May. 12th, 2008


WHO: Hunter Christenson and Denim Warner (King Louie and the Wardrobe)
WHERE: Their place mainly
RATING: Not a clue, probably low?
OPEN? To [info]wannabelikeyou only

Happy birthday to you, you're still young/Age is just a number, don't you stop having fun/This is your day, your day, happy birthday to you/This day only comes once every year/because you're so wonderful with each and everything you do, hey! )

Apr. 30th, 2008


Fed-ex-ed to Denim and Hunter )

Mar. 29th, 2008


Who: Denim Warner and Hunter Christenson (The Wardrobe and King Louis) Mentions of Jesse Towers (Sleepy)
What: She has a dream about their wedding, and not a good one
When: 4am
Where: A couple places
Rating: R for language at least

I've been watching while you sleep, baby./Hoping I'm the only one,/That frequents your dreams. (Dreams.) )

Mar. 12th, 2008


Who: Hunter Christenson and Denim Warner [King Louie and the Wardrobe]
Where: Denim's house
When: Tuesday night, after this
What: Finding the damn pen!
Rating: R for highly likely cussing
Status: Incomplete thread

Little Miss, Little Miss, Little Miss Can't Be Wrong )

Jan. 22nd, 2008


Who: Denim and Hunter
What: Phone call for a date cancelation
When: Early Evening
Where: Hunter's at work, Denim's at her place
Rating: I think it's actually only PG
Status: Closed; Complete

Surely we can reschedule... )

Oct. 25th, 2007


Original poster: shops_foryou

WHO: Denim and Hunter {The Wardrobe and King Louie}
WHAT: She's coming to interupt the overtime!
WHEN: Around eight
WHERE: Hunters office
RATING: i'm assuming it'll at least be R NC-17
STATUS: Incomplete; Very closed

Don’t want to share you with the stars in the night/I only want you to only want me/Now, then and forever Even jealous of the sun in your eyes/I want you looking at me, only me/I want all your attention )

September 2009




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