Aug. 24th, 2009


WHO: Tessa Austin [The Dish] and Harrison Tweed [Tweedledum].
WHERE: The Walrus & The Carpenter.
WHAT: A chat over coffee and cakes.
WHEN: Monday evening.
RATING: No higher than PG, I think.

It would be nice to chat with a friend. )

May. 24th, 2009


Who: Jack & Tessa Austin (The Spoon and the Dish who ran away with him!)
What: Summer Camping Trip
When: Memorial Day Weekend
Where: Somewhere upstate; Definitely NOT in the city.

Four more critters loose in the woods )

Apr. 20th, 2009


Happy Birthday, Old Man

Who: Jack & Tessa Austin, Harrison & Cassie Tweed (The Spoon, The Dish, Tweedledum, & Aesop's Mole)
What: An evening of fun married couple fun -- FOR JACK'S BIRTHDAY!
When: Saturday evening, April 18th
Where: Jack & Tessa's apartment

It had only taken him about a half hour to pick the pizzas up, but who knew what his wife and their guests had gotten up to in that time )

Feb. 28th, 2009


Who: Jack & Tessa Austin (The Spoon and The Dish who ran away with him!)
What: He's sick!
Where: Their apartment
When: Saturday evening

Sick as a dog. )

Nov. 11th, 2008


Who: Jack and Tessa Austin
What: Cute time
When: Late night.
Where: Fire escape then their bedroom
Rating: TBD

Some nights, when it got too quiet inside, Jack snuck outside to the fire escape )

Sep. 3rd, 2008


Who: Jack and Tessa Austin (The Dish and The Spoon)
What: A very bad, no good, awful day
When: WAY BACKDATED! Like...June-ish
Where: The park by their place
Rating: PG-13?
Open? To [info]spoonified

And she swears there's nothing wrong//I hear her playing that same old song//She puts me off and puts me on//And had a bad day again//She said I would not understand//Left a note and said  )

Feb. 18th, 2008


Who: Tessa and Jack Austin!
What: Her coming to visit him!
When: 5PM
Where: WPLJ! (aka the radio station)
Rating: PG-13
Status: Incomplete; Closed

Crack open a bottle of red/Let's toast to this here bed/Offer up your hand/My one night, two month, three year stand [[why no that cut has nothing to do with the thread...its just stuck in my head]] )

September 2009




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