Mar. 8th, 2008


WHO Zephyr Way (Town Mouse) & Zeke Rhodes (Country Mouse; NPCed for this one, because Tali loves me. So there.)
WHAT Narrative – Random tour bus moment
WHEN March 8, morning
WHERE Tour bus, somewhere between the Netherlands and Switzerland
NOTES Rated G, unless you offended by guy love. Just a cute-in-my-eyes thing I wanted to share. :P

Narrative 010 – Zephyr Way )

Mar. 6th, 2008


WHO Zeke Rhodes (Country Mouse) & Zephyr Way (Town Mouse) with a cameo of Dhani Lang
WHAT Backstory because we're awesome like that
WHEN Summer 2007
WHERE Backstage after a show
STATUS Incomplete log/thread // R warning, possibly NC-17 depending on where things go...

I comb the crowd and pick you out / My mouth moves too fast for you to figure it out / It starts eyes closed to fingers crossed / To ‘I swear, I say’ )

Jan. 30th, 2008


WHO: Zeke Rhodes, Zephyr Way, Spencer Mastiff, Jon Walker (NPC), anyone who shows up...
WHEN: Evening
WHERE: Zeke & Spencer's place
RATING: R just because these boys...
STATUS: OPEN TO... close friends only, Dhani is specifically NOT ALLOWED IN. Because Zeke says so. She's BANNED. BANNED HE TELLS YOU. So basically... Cyn if she can make it, Caleb, various others...


Jan. 29th, 2008


Text message sent to Zeke Rhodes and Spencer Mastiff, early afternoon of January 29th )

Jan. 25th, 2008


Backstory - Ezekiel Rhodes

WHO: Ezekiel Rhodes (The Country Mouth), Joshua Lansen , James Rhodes – Zeke’s father (PBed by David Keith), Anne Rhodes – Zeke’s mother (PBed by Rita Wilson), Zeke's sister (who will be named by Tara soon when she's apped), brief appearance by Spencer Mastiff (the Mastiff)
WHAT: Narrative – Backstory for Zeke leaving his parents house, he gets caught with another boy.
WHEN: August 2004
WHERE: Rhodes residence, New Jersey
NOTES: R for sexual content, language, and violence
WARNING – There are offensive words used in this post. Mostly slurs about gays and homophobic ranting. These are not my personal feelings on the subject (considering Zeke is sleeping with a guy and my being bi you should know that, but yeah), however some people might find the use of this language offensive.
This is one of the most painful and emotionally draining things I have EVER written. It's seriously... just... *flails* It's painful.

A world that sends you reeling from decimated dreams Your misery and hate will kill us all. So paint it black and take it back Let's shout it loud and clear Defiant to the end we hear the call )

Jan. 16th, 2008


Who: Zeke Rhodes & Zephyr Way (Country & Town Mice)
What: Yelling, making up, sex... probably
Where: Zephyr's place
When: after Zeke gets Zeph's note
Rating: R
Status: Closed/Incomplete

We're always sleeping in, and sleeping for the wrong team )

Jan. 17th, 2008


Note left in Zeke's and Spencer's mail box (see previous narrative for time) )

Jan. 9th, 2008


WHO Zeke Rhodes (Country Mouse) & Zephyr Way (Town Mouse)
WHAT Oy... more drama.
WHEN Whenever Zeke gets his ass over to Zeph's, Tuesday, Jan 8
WHERE Zeph's place
STATUS Probably R // Completed in theory

I want to hate you half as much as I hate myself )


Voice mail left for Zeke Rhodes )

Jan. 8th, 2008


[You're all good at imagining. Now I ask you to imagine Dhani's hair is pink in that picture. Because frankly, I tried, but it wouldn't come out good and I can't be bothered. XP So please? Ta.]

To be read in the Tuesday issue of some tabloid or other )

Jan. 6th, 2008


WHO: Zephyr Way (Town Mouse) & Zeke Rhodes (Country Mouse)
WHAT: Zeke has read Dhani's entry...
WHEN: Saturday evening, Jan 5
RATING: R - for boys in bed ;)

And I don't want to forget how your voice sounds )

Dec. 29th, 2007


[There are some things have to be done before a hiatus... Feeding my crack habits is one of them.]

Left for Zeke Rhodes, on the kitchen table of his and Spence's place, because Zeph is a sneaky bastard )

Dec. 22nd, 2007


WHO: Zeke Rhodes (Country Mouse) & Zephyr Way (Town Mouse)
WHAT: Making up? Maybe?
WHEN Backdated: Saturday, Dec 15th, following their phone call
STATUS Incomplete // Possibly R

I'm exactly where you'd like me you know )

Dec. 18th, 2007



WHO Zeke Rhodes & Spencer Mastiff
WHAT Zeke is emo
WHEN Backdated: Wed, Dec 12th, following this
STATUS Incomplete // R for language maybe

And we all come tumbling down down down down down... )

Dec. 19th, 2007


WHO Zeke Rhodes (Country Mouse), Zephyr Way (Town Mouse) and Dhani Lang (Wolf) Once again, Stella's RPing with herself...
WHAT Unfortunate encounter
WHEN Wednesday morning, Dec 12
WHERE Zeph's place
STATUS Incomplete // PG-13
NOTES Posting the link here, just to have an entry in the right comm. Should've done it before the other two, but only just thought of it. :P

(I've got more wit, a better kiss, a hotter touch, a better fuck)


WHO Zeke Rhodes (Country Mouse) & Zephyr Way (Town Mouse)
WHAT Phone call
WHEN Backdated: Saturday, Dec 15th, following Zeph's narrative which I just posted...
STATUS Complete // PG-13 for foul language and odd things like that. Or just for the great emotional ocean of it all.

You're just a sad song / With nothing to say / About a life long wait for a hospital stay / Well if you think that I'm wrong / This never meant nothing to you )

September 2009




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