May. 3rd, 2009


Who: Gus Bentley [The Dog Who Laughed] & Tonia Renner [The Cat Who Played Fiddle].
When: Sunday night.
Where: Barnes & Noble, at the Starbuck's Cafe.
What: Tonia is locked out of her apartment.
Rating: PG-13 at most.

Tonia wished she hadn't gotten so attached to the three-legged cat. )

Jan. 14th, 2009


Who: Gus Bentley (The Little Dog Who Laughed) and Tonia Renner (The Cat Who Played The Fiddle)
What: Accidentally suspicious behavior.
Where: A convenience store, New York City.
When: Wednesday night.

Gus didn't sneak out to paint nearly as often in the winter as he did during the summer months, but sometimes his finger just got itchy and he got an idea in his head that he couldn't shake. He pictured a great green sea serpent in a crashing blue sea, and he wanted to get it out before he started sketching it at work. Though he often told himself that the spray painting habit was just something he did to keep himself in business, the guy had a true artistic talent.

Under the cover of darkness, carrying his black canvas messenger bag with the colors of paint he'd selected, Gus worked quickly and cleanly. Before long, the image that had been in his mind was now on the brick wall on the alley side of the Village Savings & Loan bank, one of his clients, naturally. His black hooded sweatshirt and work jacket kept him warm, and fingerless black gloves allowed him to grip the cans easily enough, though they didn't provide much warmth. He ducked into a convenience store, planning to get a cup of coffee. Anyone who didn't notice his paint-tipped fingers would be none the wiser of what Gus had been up to. He kind of liked it that way.

September 2009




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