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September 14th, 2011

[info]sg_lisa in [info]supergleerpg


To: kurt.hummel@mckinley.edu
From: lisa.lowel@mckinley.edu
RE: Lesbo Day (official)
Date: 9/13

Yo! Skinny Jeans, I need flannel for Thursday, you gotz?

[info]sg_rory in [info]supergleerpg

Date: 9/14, right after school
Characters: Rory & Artie
Location: McKinley's Library
Warnings: Rory's mouth, that's about it.
Summary: Rory needs tutoring, and Artie's there to help.

Of all the subjects in the world... )

[info]sg_castor in [info]supergleerpg

Thread: Cas and Dave (again)

Who: Castor and Dave
When: Tuesday, September 13th, late evening - Wednesday, September 14th, AM.
What: Dave is a fucking fucktard of Fucktardium.
Where: Dave's house
Warnings: Self-Harm, smut

For once, Castor was thoroughly pissed and not just mad. )

[info]sg_ava in [info]supergleerpg

Thread: Ava and Rachel

Who: Ava and Rachel
When: Wednesday, September 14th, Lunch/Enrich time
What: Ava plays what she wants after her orchestra audition.
Where: Orchestra room
Note: Link does show the sheet music because holy fuck.
Warnings: ---

Orchestra. )

[info]sg_puck in [info]supergleerpg

Narrative: Figgins is a d-bag.

When: Wed Sep 14, morning
Who: Puck and Principal Figgins
Warnings: Spoilers for yesterday's Glee Club thread, (language is a blanket warning around Puck)
What: Puck gets called to the principal's office about his recent behavior.

Un-freaking-believable )

[info]sg_blaine in [info]supergleerpg

Text and then Thread {Spoiler for Tue Glee Rehersal}

Date: 9/14, immediately after school
Characters: Puck & Blaine
Warnings: Puck's mouth, Partner Abuse, Mentions of past Sexual Assault, Sexuality.
Subject: Serious talk is serious.

Text to Puck:

We need to talk immediately. My house, 10 minutes.

[info]sg_tina in [info]supergleerpg

open thread

Date: 09/14, Before First Period
Characters: Tina & Open
Location: School hallways
Summary: Tina gets into an 'argument' with a vending machine

Stupid machine )

[info]sg_puck in [info]supergleerpg

Thread: Puck and Finn lift weights

When: 9/14, enrichment period
Where: Weight lifting room
Who: Puck and Finn, anyone weightlifting
Warnings: Puck's mouth...
Summary: Bro time to talk about yesterday's glee happenings / Figgins' douchebaggery.

Sup dude? )

[info]supergleenpc in [info]supergleerpg

Into The Woods Auditions

Date: 9/14, 6pm - 9pm (so it's after other activities/practices)
Location: McKinley auditorium
Characters: Anyone trying out for the play
Warnings: Likely none
Subject: It's battle of the divas! So to speak.

Drama! )

[info]sg_rachel in [info]supergleerpg

Thread: Sam and Artie Keep Rachel Upright

Who: Rachel, Sam, Artie
When: 9/14, after school
Where: Hallway in front of Rachel's locker
What: Rachel's not feeling too great. Sam and Artie help out.

She refused to be sick today. )

[info]sg_castor in [info]supergleerpg

Who: Castor and Kurt
When: Wednesday, September 14th, 5pm-ish
What: Mini-rehearsal and potentially a talk.
Where: Kurt's house
Warnings: ?? potentially mentions of self-harm.

Biking would be... less sweaty but still somewhat sweaty. He had cologne. Actually he had Febreeze. )

[info]sg_matt in [info]supergleerpg

Thread: Matt, Rachel, and Santana have encounters

Who: Matt, Rachel, and later on, Santana
When: 9/15, after school (forward-dated)
Where: the auditorium.
What: People (read: Santana) find out about RATT's dirty little secret~

Making out with Rachel was awesome. )