Sep. 10th, 2007


With a Whirl and a Twirl (Bill/Sirius/Tonks, NC-17)

Originally posted October 12, 2006.

TITLE: With a Whirl and a Twirl
AUTHOR: [info]summerborn
PAIRING: In alphabetical order, Bill/Sirius/Tonks
PROMPT: Prompt by LJ:ragdoll for LJ:lameos_maximus.
During the year of OoTP, a bored, frustrated and trapped-in-Grimmauld Place Sirius needs a little distraction by his fellow Order members.
AUTHOR'S NOTES: 11,275 words. Disclaimer: as usual. A huge thanks to LJ:sor_bet, LJ:anneline, and LJ:authenticity for all the amazing help. And thanks to the wonderful [info]misfit_ragdoll (LJ:ragdoll) for such a great prompt! I would like to apologize profusely for the extreme tardiness of this fic, but I hope it was worth the wait.

p.s. This prompt was claimed for ART by [info]violetfishy. Not work safe!

With a Whirl and a Twirl )