March 2008



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Feb. 21st, 2008


Number Thirteen, part 3 of 3 (Snape/Harry, NC-17)

Originally posted 2007-09-12: part 1, part 2, part 3.

TITLE: Number Thirteen
PAIRING: Snape/Harry

Part One!
Part Two!

Number Thirteen, Part Three )


Number Thirteen, part 2 of 3 (Snape/Harry, NC-17)

Originally posted 2007-09-12: part 1, part 2, part 3.

TITLE: Number Thirteen
PAIRING: Snape/Harry

Part One!

Number Thirteen, Part Two )

On to Part Three!


Number Thirteen, part 1 of 3 (Snape/Harry, NC-17)

Originally posted 2007-09-12: part 1, part 2, part 3.

TITLE: Number Thirteen
REQUESTER: [info]unbroken_halo
AUTHOR: [info]summerborn
PAIRING: Snape/Harry
SUMMARY: Harry and Hermione have been friends for a long time, but he still isn't too sure about her suggestion to use a dating service (especially when that dating service has a reputation for catering to, shall we say, "alternative" tastes). What follows is a mix of passion, disappointment, meddling, and new discoveries, as Harry finds himself facing choices and situations he'd never dreamed of.
WARNINGS: AU. D/s relationships.
AUTHOR'S NOTES: Written pre-DH, but AU anyway. Many many thanks to the exchange moderator, and to my betas for their help! Any remaining errors or plot holes are entirely my fault. ~28,000 words.

Number Thirteen )

On to Part Two!

Sep. 24th, 2007


Five Things Meme: Eileen, Remus

For [info]stoicstella: Five things Eileen Snape would change if she could turn back time (231 words)

1. She would have worn a nicer dress at her wedding… )

For [info]kirasha: Five things Remus Lupin secretly likes about being a werewolf (274 words)

1. When he was in school, he used to tell himself… )

Sep. 10th, 2007


Fortune Favors (Various, PG)

Originally posted variously; see the series tagfor specifics.

TITLE: Fortune Favors [1/10]
CHARACTERS: The end of Remus/Tonks

Fortune Favors 1 )

TITLE: Fortune Favors [2/10]
CHARACTERS: Remus, Snape

Fortune Favors 2 )

TITLE: Fortune Favors [3/10]
CHARACTERS: Snape, Draco

Fortune Favors 3 )

TITLE: Fortune Favors [4/10]
CHARACTERS: Draco, Harry

Fortune Favors 4 )

TITLE: Fortune Favors [5/10]

Fortune Favors 5 )

TITLE: Fortune Favors [6/10]
CHARACTERS: Ron, Hermione

Fortune Favors 6 )

TITLE: Fortune Favors [7/10]
CHARACTERS: Hermione, Gabrielle Delacour

Fortune Favors 7 )

TITLE: Fortune Favors [8/10]
CHARACTERS: Gabrielle, Lucius

Fortune Favors 8 )

TITLE: Fortune Favors [9/10]
CHARACTERS: Lucius, Severus

Fortune Favors 9 )

TITLE: Fortune Favors [10/10]
CHARACTERS: Snape, Lupin

Fortune Favors 10 )


Request-for-a-friend meme

Originally posted June 22, 2007.

Right! Obviously I cannot restrain myself to 3-400 words *facepalm*. The other three are in progress, but I wanted to get something posted. Even unbeta'ed. Is it just me or have I learned to rely too heavily on a second pair of eyes?

[info]emiime requested Percy/Harry for [info]celandineb. Prompt: Hope and doubt. (702 words) )

[info]ednama asked for a Snape/Lupin gift for [info]dungeons_master. Prompt: Cooking, baking. (369 words) )


Severance Pay (Snape, Lupin, R)

Originally posted June 16, 2007; linked from here.

TITLE: Severance Pay
CHARACTERS: Snape, Lupin
CHALLENGE: [info]lupin_snape's June '07 Dark Side of Snupin
PROMPT: Do not try to live forever. You will not succeed. - George Bernard Shaw
DISCLAIMER: Characters belong to the Harry Potter franchise.
NOTES: 620 words. Thanks to C for inspiration and J for beta help!
WARNINGS: Dark themes. Highlight here for more details (SPOILERS): [Character death, implied torture, possible homicide/suicide.]
SUMMARY: Severus takes Remus away from a dark place, but not all who are rescued are truly saved.

Severance Pay )


A Page in Your Book, post 1 of 3 (Remus/varius, Snape/Lupin, NC-17)

Originally posted May 1-10, 2007. Part of the Lusty Month of May at LJ:pervy_werewolf.

TITLE: A Page in Your Book
PAIRING: Remus/Various, eventually Snape/Lupin
CHALLENGE: Lusty Month of May Marathon 2007 at [info]pervy_werewolf: which means 31 entries of 500 or more. Each one must feature some kind of porn or smut.
WORDCOUNT: ~7000 here (1 of 3)
NOTES: Characters belong to JKR. Unbeta'ed (due to the nature of the Marathon).

Original postings (f-locked to the comm)
Part 1 - 750 words (Remus/Scrimgeour imagined)
Part 2 - 775 words (Remus/Kingsley imagined)
Part 3 - 765 words (Remus, Snape, omc/ofc)
Part 4 - 629 words (Remus, thoughts of Severus and Rita Skeeter)
Part 5 - 685 words (Remus, thoughts of Severus)
Part 6 - 625 words (Remus/Charlie remembered)
Part 7 - 635 words (Remus/Severus)
Part 8 - 578 words (Remus/Severus)
Part 9 - 900 words (Remus/Severus)
Part 10 - 587 words (Remus/Severus, past Remus/Tonks)

Lusty Month of May - A Page in Your Book )

To be continued


Five Things meme, part 2

Originally posted April 20, 2007.

Warning: This set is more cohesive than the last set, and there is a definite streak of antagonism from Severus towards Lucius. So it's rather anti-Lucius/Snape and pro-Snape/Lupin and Lucius/Narcissa.

For [info]inkgeist: Severus' Top Five Answers to "What's Your Poison?" (213 words)
1. The first time he heard this, visiting his maternal grandfather... )

For [info]_lore: Five Ways Remus Lupin can wrap Severus Snape around his little finger (295 words)
1. The easiest way to get what he wants, of course, is to trade for sex. )

For [info]purplefluffycat: Five things Severus Snape would do if he won one million galleons (172 words)
1. Retire, obviously. Minerva can go hang. )

For [info]stephanometra: Five things Narcissa misses about Lucius (253 words)
She misses him as: 1. A parent. )


Five Things meme, part 1

Originally posted April 17, 2007.

For LJ:csi_tokyo3: Five 'Risqué' Photographs of Witches that Neville Longbottom Discreetly Keeps on His Office Desk )

For LJ:etrangere: Five Ways to Make Remus Lupin Lose His Well-Practiced Self-Control )

For [info]mnemosyne_1: Five Times Regulus Pissed His Older Brother Off )

For LJ:marginaliana: Five Times Harry One-Upped Snape )


As Fast As He Can (Regulus, Snape, PG-13)

Originally posted April 17, 2007.

TITLE: As Fast As He Can
CHARACTERS: Regulus Black, Severus Snape
RATING: PG-13 for implied violence
SUMMARY: Ten scenes from Regulus Black's life over the span of ten years. When Sirius abandons him, Regulus seeks approval from another source, but he finds that the Death Eaters cannot give him what he wants.
NOTES: Characters belong to JKR. Thanks to [info]klynie1 for the beta work! You made this one a ton better.
WARNING: It's Regulus, and not AU, so you know how it ends.

As Fast As He Can )


Some Things Change (Remus, Harry/Neville, NC-17)

Originally posted March 31, 2007; linked from here.

TITLE: Some Things Change
PAIRING: Implied Remus/Harry/Neville, Harry/Neville
KINKS: Voyeurism (and implied threesome)
CHALLENGE: This was supposed to be for the February Fuq 2007, which gave me a kink (voyeurism) and the theme of Valentine's Day or an anniversary (in this case, a birthday), but I am woefully late.
NOTES: Characters belong to JKR. 1250 words.

Some Things Change )


A Bedtime Song (Weasleys, G)

Originally posted March 31, 2007.

TITLE: A Bedtime Song
CHARACTERS: The Weasley Family
WORD COUNT: 620 words
DISCLAIMER: Characters are JKR's.
NOTES: An eensy sliver of not-quite-a-fic, written with [info]emiime's kind permission as the "other side" of her beautiful A Bedtime Story, which you should read if you haven't.

A Bedtime Song )


Overnight to Dulles (Snape/Lucius, PG)

Originally posted March 31, 2007.

TITLE: Overnight to Dulles
PAIRING: Snape/Lucius
WORDCOUNT: 1075 words
NOTES: Written for the Snape-A-Rama Instant AU Challenge, thus, AU. Also, this may as well take place in America, since I have no idea what planes and flight attendants are like anywhere else, so: Dulles is an airport near Washington, D.C. And hey, I'm less than a year late, go me!
PROMPT: Snape HATES flying. It’s a good thing Flight Attendant Lucius is so sympathetic.
PROMPT BY: LJ:elsajeni

Just be glad I didn't title this 'Snape's on a Plane'. Though it was tempting. )


Make Up and Kiss (Snape/James, Lily, PG-13)

Originally posted March 24, 2007.

TITLE: Make Up and Kiss
RECIPIENT'S LJ NAME: LJ:bewarethesmirk
PAIRING: Snape/James, with Lily
AUTHOR'S NOTES: Sorry about the tremendous lateness! I have no good excuse, just a bunch of bad ones. Anyway, hope you like it, LJ:bewarethesmirk! :) *eta* And a big thank you to J for the last-minute readthrough with excellent suggestions.

Summary: Lily's plan to force James to apologize to Severus takes an unexpected turn.

Make Up and Kiss )


A Proper Sort of Girl (Rodolphus/Narcissa, NC-17)

Originally posted March 1, 2007; linked from here (March 13, 2007).

Title: A Proper Sort of Girl
Pairings: Rodolphus/Narcissa, plus PG Lucius/Narcissa
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 3690
Warnings: Implied infidelity (see pairing)
Disclaimer: Characters and setting belong to JKR etc.
Author's Notes: Tremendous thanks are due to [info]klynie1 for the beta, though I added a bunch after she looked at it. Remaining mistakes are all mine!
Prompt: Written for LJ:wizard_love het smut exchange, to the request "a little plot and a little angst, especially if it all works out in the end." Title lifted from a completely unrelated Great Big Sea song.

Summary: Narcissa Black wants a fiery, passionate lover, but she is engaged to... Lucius Malfoy. And she must do the right thing, just as soon as she figures out what that is.

A Proper Sort of Girl )


The Chariot (Drawn by Flame and Sea) (Snape/Sirius, R)

Originally posted March 7, 2007; linked from here.

TITLE: The Chariot (Drawn by Flame and Sea)
LENGTH: 2750 words
MAIN CHARACTERS: Severus Snape/Sirius Black, with Dumbledore as the Charioteer
CARD: The Chariot
CARD INTERPRETATION: "The two animals which draw the Chariot try to go in different directions." Control over things that are by nature in conflict; control over opposing people, or wants, or emotions.
DISCLAIMER: Characters and most of the rest of it belongs to JKR.
SUMMARY: Sirius Black is forced to view an old opponent in a new light—Dumbledore assigns him to work with Severus Snape on a mission for the Order of the Phoenix. Of course, nothing happens quite the way either of them expected.
AUTHOR'S NOTES: In case the title could use explaining: Slytherin's element is water while Gryffindor's is fire :). Thanks to M and J for beta/other help. All remaining mistakes are entirely my own. Also be sure to check out this lovely art for The Chariot by [info]chibitoaster—it's amazing!

The Chariot (Drawn by Flame and Sea) )


Six Things, part 2 (Snape/Lupin, PG)

Originally posted February 28, 2007.

Title: Six Things (...Remus Lupin Does Know About Severus Snape)
Rating: PG
Pairing: Snape/Lupin
Notes: 250 words. Set during Prisoner of Azkaban, and companion piece to "Six Things Severus Snape Doesn't Know About Remus Lupin." Thanks to [info]innerslytherin for the nudge. :) I was tagged again for that "six things" meme, this time by [info]a_belladonna, and since I like to turn memes into fics, we get this.

Six Things, part 2 )


Something You Should Know (Sirius, Remus, Harry, NC-17)

Originally posted December 27, 2006, linked from here (February 26, 2006).

TITLE: Something You Should Know
RECIPIENT: LJ:richan_mmi in the LJ:sirry_slash Secret Sirry Santa.
PAIRINGS: Sirius/Harry, Remus/Harry
DISCLAIMER: Characters and setting belong to JKR.
AUTHOR'S NOTES: I owe so much to LJ:klynie1, who saw this in VERY rough form and must have looked at five totally different versions. Much love and thanks also to LJ:hasaidreamer and LJ:mnemosyne_1, who came through with crucial beta help at a late date, and also to LJ:sor_bet for being fresh eyes for one last readthrough. To LJ:richan_mmi, I hope you like it! 9,605 words.

Something You Should Know )


Big Enough to Share (Harry/Neville/Remus, R)

Originally posted during December 2006; linked from here (February 14, 2006).

TITLE: Big Enough to Share
PAIRINGS: Harry/Neville, "Sirius"/Harry, Remus/Neville.
DISCLAIMER: All of these characters are used without permission.
WARNINGS/KINKS: Polyjuice, voyeurism, wanking.
AUTHOR'S NOTES: Written as part of the LJ:sirry_slash Secret Sirry Santa 2006 exchange, to a prompt of "Sirius/Harry, Remus/Neville, Harry/Neville. Polyjuice fantasies ^_~." A HUGE thanks to my lovely betas, LJ:sor_bet and [info]klynie1! Remaining mistakes are all me. 2000 words.

Big Enough to Share )


Sort-of continued in "Some Things Change".

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