Sep. 10th, 2007


Overnight to Dulles (Snape/Lucius, PG)

Originally posted March 31, 2007.

TITLE: Overnight to Dulles
PAIRING: Snape/Lucius
WORDCOUNT: 1075 words
NOTES: Written for the Snape-A-Rama Instant AU Challenge, thus, AU. Also, this may as well take place in America, since I have no idea what planes and flight attendants are like anywhere else, so: Dulles is an airport near Washington, D.C. And hey, I'm less than a year late, go me!
PROMPT: Snape HATES flying. It’s a good thing Flight Attendant Lucius is so sympathetic.
PROMPT BY: LJ:elsajeni

Just be glad I didn't title this 'Snape's on a Plane'. Though it was tempting. )


December, 1976 (Snape/Lucius, PG)

Originally posted September 11, 2006.

TITLE: December, 1976
PAIRING: Snape, Lucius
SUMMARY: Severus thinks everything has changed; Lucius, in an attempt to prove him wrong, changes everything.
DISCLAIMER: These are in no way, shape, form, or spell, my characters. Used totally without permission.
WARNINGS: None. (Implied potential infidelity?)
NOTES: For [info]dracofiend in the hopes that more Snarry will be forthcoming *puppy dog eyes*. This fits into the same universe as my "We Who Persevere." Unbeta'ed. — 370 words.

December, 1976 )


We Who Persevere (Lucius, Snape, Narcissa, R)

Originally posted May 8, 2006.

TITLE: We Who Persevere
PAIRING: Lucius/Narcissa, with a side of PG Lucius/Severus
SUMMARY: Every year, the Malfoys host a rather exclusive Christmas event. Ten scenes over the course of a decade tell the story of some of Lucius' choices.
DISCLAIMER: JKR wrote the world and the characters. I'm just having fun and telling make-believe stories about them.
NOTES: 2325 words. A huge thanks to my wonderful betas, LJ:anneline"> and LJ:chthonya who both helped this story tremendously. Any remaining errors are entirely my fault.

Inspired by the "one letter, ten words" meme from [info]dracofiend, who gave me the letter "P". You can play too: Comment on this entry and I will give you a letter. Write ten words beginning with that letter, including an explanation of what the word means to you and why, then give letters to those who want to play along.

We Who Persevere )