Sep. 10th, 2007


The Chariot (Drawn by Flame and Sea) (Snape/Sirius, R)

Originally posted March 7, 2007; linked from here.

TITLE: The Chariot (Drawn by Flame and Sea)
LENGTH: 2750 words
MAIN CHARACTERS: Severus Snape/Sirius Black, with Dumbledore as the Charioteer
CARD: The Chariot
CARD INTERPRETATION: "The two animals which draw the Chariot try to go in different directions." Control over things that are by nature in conflict; control over opposing people, or wants, or emotions.
DISCLAIMER: Characters and most of the rest of it belongs to JKR.
SUMMARY: Sirius Black is forced to view an old opponent in a new light—Dumbledore assigns him to work with Severus Snape on a mission for the Order of the Phoenix. Of course, nothing happens quite the way either of them expected.
AUTHOR'S NOTES: In case the title could use explaining: Slytherin's element is water while Gryffindor's is fire :). Thanks to M and J for beta/other help. All remaining mistakes are entirely my own. Also be sure to check out this lovely art for The Chariot by [info]chibitoaster—it's amazing!

The Chariot (Drawn by Flame and Sea) )