Sep. 10th, 2007


Make Up and Kiss (Snape/James, Lily, PG-13)

Originally posted March 24, 2007.

TITLE: Make Up and Kiss
RECIPIENT'S LJ NAME: LJ:bewarethesmirk
PAIRING: Snape/James, with Lily
AUTHOR'S NOTES: Sorry about the tremendous lateness! I have no good excuse, just a bunch of bad ones. Anyway, hope you like it, LJ:bewarethesmirk! :) *eta* And a big thank you to J for the last-minute readthrough with excellent suggestions.

Summary: Lily's plan to force James to apologize to Severus takes an unexpected turn.

Make Up and Kiss )


The Storm and the Chase, part 1 of 4 (Snape, James, various, R)

Originally posted June 1, 2006.

TITLE: The Storm and the Chase, Part 1 of 4
TYPE: Fiction
CATEGORY: Slash, with a side of het.
LENGTH: Long. This section 8,700 words.
MAIN CHARACTERS: Severus Snape, James Potter, Lily Evans
WARNINGS: Reference to dub-con and sex between students under the age of 17.
RATING: hard R
SUMMARY: Severus Snape is approached at the beginning of his sixth year with a request for help from an unlikely corner.
DISCLAIMER: The setting and characters are wholly owned by JK Rowling and her designated representatives.
AUTHOR'S NOTES: I owe a huge debt to Holly, my beta and moral support. I have C and B to thank for trying to keep me on track, even though I fell far behind. Thanks also to [info]aubrem who dreamt up the [info]snape_the_hbp fest, which gave me a deadline.

The Storm and the Chase, Part 1 of 4 )


To be continued.