Sep. 10th, 2007


Hunting (Snape/Lockhart, PG)

Originally posted October 30, 2006; linked from here.

TITLE: Hunting
AUTHORS: LJ:chibitoaster and [info]summerborn
PAIRING: Snape/Lockhart
CHALLENGE: Snape Deflowered at [info]snape_rarepairs (Oct 2006)
SUMMARY: Severus and Gilderoy go house hunting.
DISCLAIMER: Anything that sounds familiar probably isn't ours; I'd check with JKR to be sure.
AUTHORS' NOTES: 2575 words. Thanks to [info]klynie1 for the beta!

Severus was trying to remember how he'd been talked into this. )


Beauty and His Paramour (Lockhart/Shunpike, PG)

Originally posted September 24, 2006.

TITLE: Beauty and His Paramour
PAIRING: Gilderoy Lockhart/Stan Shunpike
SUMMARY: In the grim future of Lord Voldemort's rule, two accidental Death Eaters find each other. I can't believe I just typed that with a straight face.
DISCLAIMER: I am not JKR or anyone else of the cool or character-owning persuasion. I am using these characters without compensation and completely without permission.
WARNINGS: See "Pairing."
NOTES: So Rana says to me, "you know who would make a good couple?" and there we go. Somewhat crack-like (but then, so was every scene with Lockhart in CoS). — 925 words.

Beauty and His Paramour )


She Said, and Smiled (Lockhart/Parvati, PG)

Originally posted March 23, 2006.

I bring you more random pairing...

TITLE: She Said, and Smiled
PAIRING: Gilderoy Lockhart/Parvati Patil
SUMMARY: It's difficult to live with a crippled memory.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: Part of my Summer Spells self-challenge (following the [info]7spells prompts). Prompt 2: five shades of white. I had intended to set this during CoS, but shied away from the age implications. So it takes place much, much later.
DISCLAIMER: Not mine, no money being exchanged, no blood no foul.

She Said, and Smiled )


What He Wants (Snape/Lockhart, R)

Originally posted March 15, 2006.

TITLE: What He Wants
PAIRING: Snape/Lockhart
SUMMARY: What Gilderoy Lockhart wants, Gilderoy Lockhart gets, and what he wants now is a certain Potions master.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: Written for [info]elanor_isolda as part of the Snape Rare Slash fic-a-thon — hope you enjoy.
DISCLAIMER: These aren't my characters; I just like to play dress-up with them.

What He Wants )