Sep. 10th, 2007


As Fast As He Can (Regulus, Snape, PG-13)

Originally posted April 17, 2007.

TITLE: As Fast As He Can
CHARACTERS: Regulus Black, Severus Snape
RATING: PG-13 for implied violence
SUMMARY: Ten scenes from Regulus Black's life over the span of ten years. When Sirius abandons him, Regulus seeks approval from another source, but he finds that the Death Eaters cannot give him what he wants.
NOTES: Characters belong to JKR. Thanks to [info]klynie1 for the beta work! You made this one a ton better.
WARNING: It's Regulus, and not AU, so you know how it ends.

As Fast As He Can )


Make Up and Kiss (Snape/James, Lily, PG-13)

Originally posted March 24, 2007.

TITLE: Make Up and Kiss
RECIPIENT'S LJ NAME: LJ:bewarethesmirk
PAIRING: Snape/James, with Lily
AUTHOR'S NOTES: Sorry about the tremendous lateness! I have no good excuse, just a bunch of bad ones. Anyway, hope you like it, LJ:bewarethesmirk! :) *eta* And a big thank you to J for the last-minute readthrough with excellent suggestions.

Summary: Lily's plan to force James to apologize to Severus takes an unexpected turn.

Make Up and Kiss )


Under a Waxing Moon (Snape/Lupin, PG-13)

Originally posted December 2, 2006, linked from here (January 10, 2007).

TITLE: Under a Waxing Moon
RECIPIENT: LJ:lotrwariorgodss for Snupin Santa 2006
SUMMARY: A misplaced prank (no, not that one) and unrequited attraction bring together two boys at Hogwarts in 1976 or so.
DISCLAIMER: They definitely aren't mine.
WARNINGS: None. Unless you count "not very smutty" as a warning, sorry :).
AUTHOR'S NOTES: 1881 words. Happy Snupin Santa, LJ:lotrwariorgodss! I have several people to thank after the reveal but for now I hope you know who you are. *smooches*

Under a Waxing Moon )


Memory Yields (Snape, Bellatrix, Neville, PG-13)

Originally posted August 9, 2007.

TITLE: Memory Yields
RATING: PG-13 for implications
PAIRING: Snape, Bellatrix, Neville
SUMMARY: A memorable evening that Snape would just as soon forget goes some way towards explaining his hatred of Neville.
DISCLAIMER: These are in no way, shape, form, or spell, my characters. Used totally without permission.
WARNINGS: Implied torture (per canon).
NOTES: For [info]snape_rarepairs's August challenges: Snape/Neville and memory. I took both of those challenges, put them in my brain and shook, and this is what came out. — 650 words.

Memory Yields )


Just a Taste (Harry/Neville, PG-13)

Originally posted August 7, 2006.

TITLE: Just a Taste
GIFTEE: LJ:lionille as part of the summer 2006 LJ:hpslashnotsmut fic exchange.
WARNINGS: Er... *cough*Vampires*cough*. Nothing bad, though, I swear!

AUTHOR'S NOTES: Thanks to my darling R for the bunny, the replacement bunny, and the beta, and to my sis for asking good questions even if she pretended Neville wasn't gay. :D

SUMMARY: Neville helps Harry out with a plant problem, but there are a few unintended consequences.

Just a Taste )


Before and After (Sirius/Regulus, PG-13)

Originally posted July 14, 2006.

TITLE: Before and After (A Pair of Drabbles)
PAIRING: Sirius/Regulus
WARNINGS: Implied incest.
DISCLAIMER: The characters are property of JK Rowling and her representatives.
NOTES: Two drabbles at 100 words each. They are intended to stand on their own, but I have two of them, and they could go together.

SUMMARY: The brothers Black are used to having some time to themselves on occasion, but that doesn't mean everything is sunshine and rainbows.


Before )


After )


Debatably Heterosexual Twosome (Harry, Draco, PG-13)

Originally posted April 19, 2006.

TITLE: The Debatably Heterosexual Twosome
CHARACTERS: Harry, Draco, others in supporting roles.
SUMMARY: Harry and Draco fight crime, oblivious to what others think of their close relationship. This is probably AU. Or crack!fic. Or something. Oh God, I'm going to hell.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: This will probably make more sense if you're familiar with Saturday Night Live's "Ambiguously Gay Duo." 1100 words.
DISCLAIMER: JK Rowling and her designated representatives own all rights to these characters. I am only using them for my nefarious purposes.

The Debatably Heterosexual Twosome )