Sep. 10th, 2007


Some Things Change (Remus, Harry/Neville, NC-17)

Originally posted March 31, 2007; linked from here.

TITLE: Some Things Change
PAIRING: Implied Remus/Harry/Neville, Harry/Neville
KINKS: Voyeurism (and implied threesome)
CHALLENGE: This was supposed to be for the February Fuq 2007, which gave me a kink (voyeurism) and the theme of Valentine's Day or an anniversary (in this case, a birthday), but I am woefully late.
NOTES: Characters belong to JKR. 1250 words.

Some Things Change )


Big Enough to Share (Harry/Neville/Remus, R)

Originally posted during December 2006; linked from here (February 14, 2006).

TITLE: Big Enough to Share
PAIRINGS: Harry/Neville, "Sirius"/Harry, Remus/Neville.
DISCLAIMER: All of these characters are used without permission.
WARNINGS/KINKS: Polyjuice, voyeurism, wanking.
AUTHOR'S NOTES: Written as part of the LJ:sirry_slash Secret Sirry Santa 2006 exchange, to a prompt of "Sirius/Harry, Remus/Neville, Harry/Neville. Polyjuice fantasies ^_~." A HUGE thanks to my lovely betas, LJ:sor_bet and [info]klynie1! Remaining mistakes are all me. 2000 words.

Big Enough to Share )


Sort-of continued in "Some Things Change".


Just a Taste (Harry/Neville, PG-13)

Originally posted August 7, 2006.

TITLE: Just a Taste
GIFTEE: LJ:lionille as part of the summer 2006 LJ:hpslashnotsmut fic exchange.
WARNINGS: Er... *cough*Vampires*cough*. Nothing bad, though, I swear!

AUTHOR'S NOTES: Thanks to my darling R for the bunny, the replacement bunny, and the beta, and to my sis for asking good questions even if she pretended Neville wasn't gay. :D

SUMMARY: Neville helps Harry out with a plant problem, but there are a few unintended consequences.

Just a Taste )