[info]suemonroe wrote
on September 28th, 2008 at 01:14 am

SS/HP Prophet for September 25-28

One Shots
[x] lesyeuxverts: True Confession (R)

Completed Chapter Fic
[x] thesewarmstars: My Name is Cameron Sage (M)

Works In Progress
[x] Sharia: The Catamite is now up to Chapter 20 (NC-17)
[x] cluegirl: We Shine Like Stars is now up to Chapter Six (NC-17) GW/LL
[x] eriador117: The Weight of Water is now up to Chapter 30 (NC-17)
[x] sioban_parker: Cloistered is now up to Chapter Six (R) Translated by joanwilder
[x] winnett: Young Immortals is now up to Chapter Ten (NC-17)

Drabbles And Ficlets
[x] alisanne: Moon Cakes (PG)
[x] lexywrites: Just Press Star (NC-17)
[x] lilyseyes: Breathe Joyously - Another in the Breathe Series (NC-17)
[x] ricevellus: Equinox Remembrance (PG-13)
[x] unbroken_halo: A Lewd Prediction (PG)

Art And Icons
[x] sealawn: Sevvie doing Sevvy things (G)
[x] tripperfunster: Worst Nightmare (R) NWS Picture is last one on the page

[x] tgin: Ride (G)

[x] mrstimberlake05: is looking for established relationship fics
[x] regan_v: Meta on the attractions of cross-gen, with particular refrence to Snape/Harry
[x] snarry100: Challenge 129: Equinox
[x] snarry_games: Champion Interview #13 - Plantinshadows
[x] snarry_games: Champion Interview #14 - Veridian Dair
[x] snarry_games: Champion Interview #15 - Accioslash
[x] snarry_games: Champion Interview #16 - Ponderosa
[x] spoiled_saint: is looking for stories with a confident Severus and Harry

This Newsletter
[x] Send your Snape/Harry news to sshp.prophet@gmail.com!

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