[info]snapetoy in [info]sshp_prophet

The SS/HP Prophet has moved

With Live Journal's further clarification of its policies, in particular the policy with regards to links, the [info]sshp_prophet has moved from Live Journal to Insane Journal.

All of our previous editions have been copied across for your future reference.

If you are on Insane Journal, please friend us here.

If you are staying on Live Journal, we have set up an RSS feed so that you are able to keep up with the Prophet. Click here to add the Prophet feed to your LJ Friends list.

We will continue to post editions of the Prophet to Stag and Doe.

Your editors
[info]murklins, [info]magic_helmet, [info]atrata and [info]snapetoy


Ops? Sorry about my whinging, I didn't see the warning *sigh*

Well hopefully things will be okay in a couple of days.
Keep up the good work.
You're not whinging! I know how bad it was because it fucked up my flist as well. *grins* That was how we found out that we couldn't backdate community entries - the hard way! I've defriended it myself so I can catch links for the next edition and then I'll refriend it again. It's fabulous that we have these tools because we'd have lost all of our back editions otherwise, but there's always something, isn't there? *hugs*