[info]snapetoy in [info]sshp_prophet

SS/HP Prophet: 17 - 19 February 2007

Original poster: murklins

[x] A Suitable Punishment by Anon [NC-17]. Harry/Snape/Draco.
[x] Dawn by Anon [PG-13].
[x] Embracing Death by Anon [R]. Also includes Harry/Lupin (and Harry/Draco/Lupin if you squint). Possibly Under-18.
[x] Heart-felt Apology by [info]lesyeuxverts00 [PG-13].
[x] Lost and Found by [info]jadzialove [NC-17].

Works in Progress
[x] Acts of Will by [info]iulia_linnea is now up to part six.
[x] Bonds of Water by [info]faynia and [info]stormypup is a new WiP with two parts. Possibly Under-18.
[x] Darker Shades of Grey III : A Soul Reborn by [info]gauriel is now up to chapter 25.
[x] In Darkness Let Me Dwell by [info]blue_isthecolor is now up to chapter 1.
[x] There's Something You Should Know by [info]dementordelta and [info]cruisedirector is now up to part 4.
[x] Untitled story by [info]triceybabe is a new WiP with one part.

Drabbles & Ficlets
[x] Chased by [info]themostepotente [NC-17].
[x] Exhilaration & Joy by [info]potion_lady [G].
[x] Mercy by [info]lesyeuxverts00 [R]. Gen.
[x] Sneeze by [info]lilyeyes [G].
[x] Talk To Me (6) by [info]ki_mi_ko [NC-17].

[x] B&W by [info]achih [PG].
[x] OTP by [info]nakedbee [G].

[x] [info]potionssnitches posted the Potions and Snitches Weekly Update.

This Newsletter
[x] Send your Snape/Harry news to sshp.prophet@gmail.com!

