August 17th, 2006

[info]alisanne in [info]snarry100

"Precise Measure" (Snape/Harry, G)

Original poster: florahart

Title: Precise Measure
Pairing: Snarry
Rating: G
Prompt: their idiosyncracies
A/N: just a quickie--going with the obvious.

"What are you doing?"

"Chopping vegetables for stew, because you asked me to see to supper. What does it appear I'm doing?"

"Well. Chopping vegetables, actually. But--"

"So, you asked because you enjoy forcing me to state the obvious? Still?"

"Because I was unclear regarding why the pile in the rubbish is larger than the pile in the dish, actually."

"The recipe requires one-inch cubes."

"I think there's leeway."

"The author wouldn't have specified if it weren't relevant. Therefore, the non-conforming pieces are useless."

"Oh. …Maybe you should save the remainders for another time."

"Then they wouldn't be fresh."


[info]alisanne in [info]snarry100

Challenge # 19: Their Idiosyncrasies

Original poster: alisanne

Thank you all for the wonderful snarry week! We had some really great drabbles posted here, and more than once I was laughing too hard to type my review. Excellent job, y'all! :)

I arrived at this week's prompt by torturing surveying all the slash happy friends I've seen while away on vacation this week. They came up some truly odd inspired ideas, but I think this one is IT.

Challenge # 19: Their Idiosyncrasies.

What little (or not so little) and unique habits do Harry and Severus notice about each other? Do they have daily rituals that drive the other crazy? If so, tell us about them.

[info]alisanne in [info]snarry100

"While He's Not Looking" (Harry/Severus, G)

Original poster: florahart

Title: While He's Not Looking
Words: 100
Pairing: Snarry
Rating: G
Prompt: Their idiosyncracies

Harry set the newspaper down, crossword half-finished, and yawned, deliberating between another cup of coffee and an early nap. After a moment, he stood and stretched, then shuffled back into the kitchen.

Severus waited until he was out of sight, then reached for the discarded paper to fix it.

It was bad enough Harry approached the crossword in apparently random order. The least he could do would be to reverse the existing fold rather than making haphazard creases nearby.

There. Much better.

Harry came back and picked up the paper, lips quirking.

Severus read the front page and ignored him.

[info]alisanne in [info]snarry100

Office Space

Original poster: the_con_cept

Title: Office Space
Rating: PG
Prompt: Their idiosyncrasies
A/N: For the [info]snarry100 and [info]jennuine’s birthday. It’s not really slash, though, just Snape & Harry. But if you want to see them slashed, I’m not stopping you.

[info]alisanne in [info]snarry100

Two drabbles

Original poster: lesyeuxverts00

Title: Forty-one Minutes of Forgetting
Author: lesyeuxverts00
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG-13
Challenge: #19, Their idiosyncrasies
Warning(s): slash implied, kind of angsty
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
AN: Yes, there is a pattern to the numbers and no, it doesn't mean anything.

Black Cashmere
Author: lesyeuxverts00
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG-13
Challenge: #19, Their idiosyncrasies
Warning(s): slash implied, kind of angsty
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
AN: Not related to "Forty-one minutes" except as far as general mood goes ... will someone please get rid of this Dementor?

January 2021



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