August 3rd, 2006

[info]alisanne in [info]snarry100

A Most Extraordinary Realization

Original poster: kaflower

Title: A Most Extraordinary Realization
Author: [info]kaflower
Word Count: 101!
Rating(s): PG, simply because implied M/M relationship
Challenge: Challenge # 17 is: Harry and Severus Through Other People's Eyes.
Warning(s): M/M implied relationship
A/N: First Snarry! w00t!

A Most Extraordinary Realization

[info]alisanne in [info]snarry100

Challenge # 17: Through Other People's Eyes

Original poster: alisanne

Well, it's Thursday, and so it's time for the next Challenge!
[info]medawyn did such a great job last month with prompts that she is a hard act to follow, but I do hope everyone continues the wonderful participation. :)

Challenge # 17 is: Harry and Severus Through Other People's Eyes.

What do their friends and colleagues think of their relationship (whatever sort of relationship that might be)? How does the public see them? The Press? Those who they might consider family?

However you see it, write a 100 word drabble (or several) and show us. :)

[info]alisanne in [info]snarry100

The Public Has a Right to Know

Original poster: lesyeuxverts00

Title: The Public Has a Right to Know
Author: lesyeuxverts00
Word Count: 100
Rating: G
Challenge: #17, through other people's eyes
Warning(s): slash implied

Rita Skeeter had a nose for news – scandal and gossip carried a luscious aroma that left her weak-kneed at her desk, emerald quill quivering.

She’d written mawkish articles praising Harry Potter after Voldemort’s defeat, with curt acknowledgement of the spy Snape squeezed onto the last page. After all, she wrote what the public wanted to read.

Her nose reawakened to the smell of scandal at the announcement of a private wedding between the two wizards. Was Potter ashamed of his illicit liaison with the Death Eater? Had Snape corrupted their bright hero? Nose twitching, knees weak, Rita began to write.

[info]alisanne in [info]snarry100

Original poster: irisgirl12000

Title: A portrait's outrage
Author: [info]irisgirl12000
Rating: PG
Warnings: none
Challenge: #17, through other people's eyes
Disclaimer: Not mine. I wish.

Read more... )

[info]alisanne in [info]snarry100

Never a Dull Moment, PG

Original poster: eeyore9990

Author: [info]eeyore9990
Title: Never a Dull Moment
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not mine
Challenge: Through Other People's Eyes
Warnings: none.
Words: 1o0

Filch had worked for Hogwarts far longer than anyone had any right to. In all his time pushing brooms, chasing Peeves, and conducting detentions, he'd seen many romances bloom and flourish, only to explode in rivers of teenaged angst.

But he'd never seen such a strange relationship as that between Professors Snape and Potter. Their battles fell into cold silences, then grudging one word mutterings, then eventual whole sentences without (many) insults.

Filch shook his head before resuming sweeping as he rounded a corner and found Professor Snape holding Professor Potter to the wall with his body, lips locked passionately.

[info]alisanne in [info]snarry100

Original poster: lilyeyes

Title: Gasp
Author: [info]lilyeyes
Rating: G
Warnings: Mpreg
Challenge: #17, through other people's eyes
Disclaimer: Not mine – just playing with them
Sequel to Breathe

Gasp )

January 2021



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