August 12th, 2005

[info]alisanne in [info]snarry100

The Visit

Original poster: persephone_blue

Title: The Visit
Author: Persephone_blue
Rating: PG
Challenge: Beginnings
A/N: Sequel, of sorts, to Dual Dreams.

Harry shows up at Spinner’s End soaking wet. Of course, he didn’t have spare clothes. Snape immediately sits him on the couch.

The cup of tea he hands him steams in Harry’s soft, pale face. His towel is large and warm and smells faintly of almonds.

Harry clears his throat. “I’m here because--”

“Tomorrow,” Snape interrupts angrily, “when you are no longer wet and susceptible to pneumonia, then you may relay me your message.”

Strangely docile, Harry agrees to bed down on the couch for the night.

Snape stays up late, grudgingly, secretly hoping for footsteps up the stairs.

[info]alisanne in [info]snarry100

Horseback Under the Stars

Original poster: persephone_blue

Title: Horseback Under the Stars
Author: Persephone_blue
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 100
Challenge: Beginnings
Warnings: Graphic goodness, language, and some dom/sub issues.

Snape f*cks that tight, little ass of Harry's black and blue. )

[info]alisanne in [info]snarry100

The Matter of the Penguin

Original poster: persephone_blue

Title: The Matter of the Penguin
Author: Persephone_blue
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Challenge: Possessiveness
Warnings: Penguins
A/N: Inspired by this, this, and, err, this. All belong to Brevisse.

“That’s a penguin,” Harry points out.

Snape has had the small, soft penguin since he was a toddler. He remembers sleeping with it, having it guard his things when he went to Muggle primary school, secretly confiding to it at Hogwarts.

“Yes, it is.” Snape pulls the sheets over him, cuddling the stuffed animal with one arm and pulling poor, confused Harry close with the other.

“Penguin,” he repeats. “You sleep with a penguin.”

“It’s either the both of you or him,” Snape mumbles as he drifts off to sleep.


“Shh!” Snape orders.

All three go to bed.

[info]alisanne in [info]snarry100

Challenge 2: Possessivness

Original poster: cs_whitewolf

Hey guys,


Just to let you know that this week’s challenge is “Possessiveness” and is thanks to a variety of challenge suggestions from [info]ciaran_draco. In this challenge you should attempt to incorporate the theme of ‘possessiveness’ whether in the form of jealousy and hostility or discipline and revenge, or really anything else you can come up with! Use your imaginations, I fully expect to see some delicious entries popping up with this one, especially considering the influx of members/watchers since Snarry100 was created all of twelve days ago ::tear::

This challenge is up a bit early but since the ‘intro’ challenge has been up for nearly two weeks, I didn’t think you guys would mind, besides I’m impatient like this. Submissions for ‘Beginnings’ will still be accepted up until tomorrow (Sat 13th) but postings for this challenge are effective as of immediately. After this one there will be a new challenge posted at some point every week (on a Saturday).


Also, I was wondering if you guys would be partial to having [info]snarry100 accepting non-challenge posts? Posts would still have to be both Snarry and drabbles of 100words(+/-), but they wouldn’t have to incorporate the weeks challenge? Please let me know by commenting.


If anyone has a challenge idea you can leave your suggestions here and I’ll get them used at some point or another!



Your mod,

CS WhiteWolf


January 2021



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