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Jan. 9th, 2011 @ 09:54 pm Gift fic for serpenscript, Being Eloise Jensen, or The Dangers of Staying Home from Hogsmeade, adult

Recipient: serpenscript

Author: nehalenia

Title: Being Eloise Jensen, or The Dangers of Staying Home from Hogsmeade

Characters: Severus Snape, James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin

Rating: Adult. Very Adult.

Content Info: *bondage, spanking, rough sex, non-con/dub-con, unintentional cross-dressing, humiliation, double penetration, bottom!Snape*

Summary: Snape's attempt to sneak into the Gryffindor girls' dormitory goes horribly, terribly, unforgettably awry.

Disclaimer: The world of HP and its characters belongs to Rowling.

Word count: ~8,040

Author Notes: Huge and heart-felt thanks to the mods for their saintly patience and to my sharp-eyed, faithful, and long-suffering beta, R. I'd never have made it to the finish line on this without your help and understanding.
To my lovely recipient, all I can say is that there could hardly have been a better match in all of fandom and I hope you enjoy this. Happy holidays!

( Being Eloise Jensen, or The Dangers of Staying Home from Hogsmeade )

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Dec. 18th, 2010 @ 12:11 am Gift fic for countesszero, HOUDS, adult

Recipient: countesszero

Author: irena_candy

Title: HOUDS

Characters: Marauders, various walk-ons, extras, and spear carriers.

Rating: Adult

Content Info: underage (teen Marauders & Snape) + *AU, angst, semi-public, frottage, groping *

Prompt used: the three mousquetaires-au: all for one, one for all. the marauders ride, fence like devils and rescue damsels in distress - but this time they are fighting to rescue snape. (and peter pettigrew isn't evil!) bonus points for appearances of historical personalities (i. e. monteverdi, vermeer, shakespeare)

Disclaimer: The characters in this piece of fiction are the property of J. Rowling. The situations are the author's own.

Word count: ~6,800

Author Notes: This story was written for the 2010 Snapely Holidays exchange. I hope countesszero will forgive me for making it more Hogwarts and less alternate universe! I would also like to beg the indulgence of OUDS, the Oxford University Dramatic Society, for a tongue-in-cheek reference to their initials.


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Dec. 10th, 2010 @ 12:48 am Gift fic for lilyseyes, What To Do When You've Drugged Your Students (adult)

Recipient: lilyseyes

Author: alafaye

Title: What To Do When You've Drugged Your Students

Characters: Severus, Harry, Draco, Minerva (Pairing: Severus/Harry/Draco)

Rating: adult

Content Info: underage sex (Harry and Draco are 17) *dub-con, threesome, teacher/student sex, manipulating!Minerva*

Prompt used: Over Christmas hols, Severus is tired of eighth-year students Harry and Draco fighting constantly and slips each a mild love potion - the results backfire on him

Summary: The teachers are fed up with Harry and Draco fighting and Minerva asks Severus to brew a lust potion "to get it out of their systems". Harry and Draco turn the tables on Severus.

Disclaimer: The world of HP and its characters belongs to Rowling.

Word count: ~1,713

Author Notes: Thanks to my beta, celestlyn.

( What To Do When You've Drugged Your Students )

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Jan. 1st, 2010 @ 12:07 am fic for janus 'Decisions Made in Haste' (Snape/Regulus)

Fic for: [info]janus
Title: Decisions Made in Haste
Author: [info]eeyore9990

Pairing: Severus/Regulus
Rating: NC-17
Warnings/Content Info: highlight between brackets if you prefer story warnings:
[Slightly underage (Regulus)]
Summary: Severus rarely made hasty decisions…
Disclaimer: The world of HP and its characters belongs to Rowling. The author of this fic has borrowed them for the purposes of storytelling. No profit was or will be made.
Word count: ~2,620
Author Notes: A huge thank you to L for the beta and to the mods for their patience. Happy holidays, [info]janus!

Fic for janus )

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Dec. 7th, 2009 @ 02:16 am Fic for venturous 'A Million Sharpened Pieces' (Snape/Lucius)
Current Mood: cold

Fic for: [info]venturous
Title: A Million Sharpened Pieces
Author: [info]purplefluffycat

Pairing: Severus Snape/Lucius Malfoy
Rating: NC-17
Warnings/Content Info: highlight between brackets if you require or prefer story warnings:
[Slash, in which Severus is 16, mild dubcon]
Summary: On Christmas Eve of his sixteenth year, Severus receives an unexpected invitation to Malfoy Manor. Naturally he must go; one cannot say 'no' to the Malfoys...
Disclaimer: The world of HP and its characters belongs to Rowling. The author of this fic has borrowed them for the purposes of storytelling. No profit was or will be made.
Word count: ~5,100
Author Notes: Happy Holidays [info]venturous! I hope this fic fits the bill. Thanks also very much to the mods for running this superb Snapely exchange :-)

Fic for venturous )

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Dec. 2nd, 2009 @ 12:46 am Fic for aceia 'What Price Help?' (SS/HP)
Current Mood: busy

Fic for: [info]aceia
Title: What Price Help?
Author: [info]iamisaac

Pairing: Severus/Harry
Rating: NC-17
Warnings/Content Info: highlight between brackets if you prefer story warnings:
[Harry still at school (over 16, so of legal age in the UK), dub-con, bdsm, violence, humiliation]
Summary: Harry needs to learn how to cope with anything that might happen to him. Snape is the obvious choice to help him - but will Snape be prepared to help Harry? And at what cost?
Disclaimer: The world of HP and its characters belongs to Rowling. The author of this fic has borrowed them for the purposes of storytelling. No profit was or will be made.
Word count: ~3,500
Author Notes: My beta is, to be fair, the best in the entire universe. No better betas can be found even in other galaxies, and I love her dearly.

Fic for aceia )

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