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Dec. 12th, 2011 @ 01:53 am gift art for eeyore9990, Snape/Bill & Snape/Moody/Shacklebolt, adult (NWS)

Recipient: eeyore9990

Artist: someoldcat
Title: Black Coffee and a Ginger Snap (Sweet)
Characters: Snape/Bill
Rating: NC-17 (NWS)
Content Info: *bottoming from the top*
Summary: Some things just go well together.
Disclaimer: The world of HP and its characters belongs to Rowling.
Artist's notes: To my giftee, you have such a wide range pairings and scenarios that you like I was hard pressed to choose just one, on top of that you're one of my fandom heroes so I felt a little extra oomph was called for. So I decided a little bit of sweet and a little bit of sour would (hopefully) provide a well rounded gift. Hope you enjoy!

The Sweet

Title: Special Interrogation (Sour)
Characters: Snape/Kingsley/Moody
Rating: NC-17 (NWS)
Content Info: *Non-Con, Handjob, Bondage*
Summary: After the first war Severus is arrested and subjected to a grueling interrogation.
Disclaimer: The world of HP and its characters belongs to Rowling.

The Sour

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Dec. 10th, 2010 @ 12:48 am Gift fic for lilyseyes, What To Do When You've Drugged Your Students (adult)

Recipient: lilyseyes

Author: alafaye

Title: What To Do When You've Drugged Your Students

Characters: Severus, Harry, Draco, Minerva (Pairing: Severus/Harry/Draco)

Rating: adult

Content Info: underage sex (Harry and Draco are 17) *dub-con, threesome, teacher/student sex, manipulating!Minerva*

Prompt used: Over Christmas hols, Severus is tired of eighth-year students Harry and Draco fighting constantly and slips each a mild love potion - the results backfire on him

Summary: The teachers are fed up with Harry and Draco fighting and Minerva asks Severus to brew a lust potion "to get it out of their systems". Harry and Draco turn the tables on Severus.

Disclaimer: The world of HP and its characters belongs to Rowling.

Word count: ~1,713

Author Notes: Thanks to my beta, celestlyn.

( What To Do When You've Drugged Your Students )

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Dec. 1st, 2009 @ 03:58 am Fic for fiendish_thingy 'A Haunting Past' (SS/LE/RL)
Current Mood: anxious

Fic for: [info]fiendish_thingy
Title: A Haunting Past
Author: [info]unbroken_halo

Pairing: Lily/Severus/Remus
Rating: NC-17
Warnings/Content Info: highlight between brackets if you prefer story warnings:
[Threesome, cliches, money shot, oral sex, het sex, first time]
Summary: Remembering the past is one thing, but living with it is another.
Disclaimer The world of HP and its characters belongs to Rowling. The author of this fic has borrowed them for the purposes of storytelling. No profit was or will be made.
Word count +/- 4,000
Author Notes [info]fiendish_thingy, I hope you enjoy the fic. Happy Snapelyholidays! Special thanks to I and E for their assistance and beta skills.

Fic for fiendish_thingy )

x-posted to DreamWidth, LiveJournal
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Dec. 28th, 2008 @ 10:04 pm 28th Snapely Holidays Entry 'Begin As We Mean To Continue' (SS/HP/DM)

xmas penguins singing
Fic for: [info]femmequixotic
Title: Begin as We Mean to Continue

Pairing Snape/Harry/Draco
Rating NC-17
Warnings *AU, semi-Epilogue compliant, threesome, rimming, semi-public sex, bottom!Snape*
Summary Harry Potter has been chasing Severus Snape around the world for years, added by an anonymous helper and somewhere along the way he managed to make a friend of Draco Malfoy. Now if only he could figure out what this the incredible yearning was inside of him…
Disclaimer The world of HP and its characters belongs to Rowling. The author of this fic has borrowed them for the purposes of storytelling. No profit was or will be made.
Word count 13,103
Author Notes Thanks to my wonderful betas - you are each worth your weight in gold! All remaining mistakes are all mine.

I so hope you like your gift [info]femmequixotic!

I did my best to include as many of your elements, prompts, and kinks as I could.

Fic for femmequixotic )
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Dec. 14th, 2008 @ 12:37 am 14th Snapely Holidays Entry - Love and Loyalty (Snape/Narcissa/Lucius)

Fic for: [info]zephre
Title: Love and Loyalty

Pairing Snape/Narcissa/Lucius
Rating Adult (NC-17)
Warnings Threesome
Summary After being left to die in the Shrieking Shack, Severus Snape's life takes a turn for the better
Disclaimer The world of HP and its characters belongs to Rowling. The author of this fic has borrowed them for the purposes of storytelling. No profit was or will be made.
Word count ~12,590
Author Notes Many thanks to my beta's B and L. Any mistakes after all their hard work are my own fault.

Fic for zephre )

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