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Dec. 28th, 2011 @ 12:59 am gift fic for kinky_kneazle, Snape/Lupin, adult

Recipient: kinky_kneazle

Author: r_grayjoy
Title: A Carol Sung Off Key
Characters: Snape/Lupin
Rating: NC-17, adult
Content Info: *wall!sex, frottage, masturbation, somewhat unintended
voyeurism, snark, silliness, Dickens is spinning in his grave
Summary: Seven months after the end of the war, Severus is as much of a miserable, disagreeable misanthrope as ever. Then Lupin arrives bearing a message. Said message is absurd, not to mention unoriginal. Also, Lupin makes a terrible Jacob Marley.
Disclaimer: Anything you recognize belongs to Rowling or Dickens. Anything utterly ludicrous most likely belongs to me.
Word count: ~13,900
Author Notes: My most heartfelt thanks to those who kept me from falling in the muck while I slogged my way though this and then still liked me enough afterward to beta for me. <3 (Also, I realized that my beta and support crew this time around can be abbreviated "SNERT", which, considering the tone of this fic, amuses me far more than it probably should.)

Another heap of gratitude and groveling to the [info]snapelyholidays mods for being incalculably awesome.

In addition, Mr. Black would like to thank E. for his huge piece of meat.

Dear kinky_kneazle: When I read your list of likes, somehow "Christmas/holiday themes" and "time travel" blended in my head and produced... this. (Also, I might have taken "friends supporting the relationship" a little farther than you had in mind. *snicker*) I tried to put a bit of a new spin on an old theme here. In any case, writing for you was great fun. Hope you enjoy, and very happy holidays to you!

( A Carol Sung Off Key )

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Jan. 21st, 2011 @ 02:03 pm the 2010 D.E.A.T.H.E.A.T.E.R.

The [info]snapelyholidays D.E.A.T.H.E.A.T.E.R. Award for those who are unaware is for:

Daring & Exceptionally Amazing Talented Herculean
Efforts Assuring Terrifically Entertaining Results!

This year's winner has been the sort of participant that moddies dream of -- patient during the inevitable match-up issues, and then not only turning in quality work on time, but offering help throughout the exchange whilst modding her own exchange, pointing out issues before they grew into problems and generally being amazingly kind and considerate in every correspondence.

So we are delighted to present this year's DEATHEATER to leela_cat!

Artist: Moddy #2 -aka- chazpure

Author: Moddy #1 -aka- odogoddess

Title: Bathed in Moonlight

Characters: Severus Snape/Bill Weasley

Rating: Adult

Media: pencil & Photoshop

Content Info: *Nudity, Voyeurism, Wanking *

Summary: Bill Weasley makes a moonlit discovery in a hidden desert oasis...

Disclaimer: The world of HP and its characters belongs to Rowling.

Word count: ~530

Author Notes: With thanks from us both. :)

( Bathed in Moonlight )

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Jan. 11th, 2011 @ 11:47 pm Gift fic for venturous, Under Laboratory Conditions, adult

Recipient: venturous

Author: chazpure

Title: Under Laboratory Conditions

Characters: Severus/Fred/George, Fred/George, Severus/Charlie

Rating: Adult

Content Info: Everyone's of age in this fic. *altered consciousness, noncon/dubcon, threesome/moresome, toys, restraints, cbt, mild feminization, incest, orgasm denial, voyeurism, egregious Latin abuse*

Summary: The twins follow a suspicious figure through Knockturn Alley and wind up with a new experimental subject for their latest line of...novelties.

Disclaimer: The world of HP and its characters belongs to Rowling.

Word count: ~11,900

Author Notes: This [info]snapelyholidays fic is a gift for the amazing venturous. The Snapeliest of Holidays to you! I hope you enjoy this somewhat twisted tale. *g* My apologies to the mods for the dreadful tardiness of this entry and much appreciation for the forbearance shown.

( Under Laboratory Conditions )

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Jan. 9th, 2011 @ 09:54 pm Gift fic for serpenscript, Being Eloise Jensen, or The Dangers of Staying Home from Hogsmeade, adult

Recipient: serpenscript

Author: nehalenia

Title: Being Eloise Jensen, or The Dangers of Staying Home from Hogsmeade

Characters: Severus Snape, James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin

Rating: Adult. Very Adult.

Content Info: *bondage, spanking, rough sex, non-con/dub-con, unintentional cross-dressing, humiliation, double penetration, bottom!Snape*

Summary: Snape's attempt to sneak into the Gryffindor girls' dormitory goes horribly, terribly, unforgettably awry.

Disclaimer: The world of HP and its characters belongs to Rowling.

Word count: ~8,040

Author Notes: Huge and heart-felt thanks to the mods for their saintly patience and to my sharp-eyed, faithful, and long-suffering beta, R. I'd never have made it to the finish line on this without your help and understanding.
To my lovely recipient, all I can say is that there could hardly have been a better match in all of fandom and I hope you enjoy this. Happy holidays!

( Being Eloise Jensen, or The Dangers of Staying Home from Hogsmeade )

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Dec. 21st, 2010 @ 01:14 am Gift fic for r_grayjoy, Raising Severus, R

Recipient: r_grayjoy

Author: alisanne

Title: Raising Severus

Characters: Severus Snape/Harry Potter, Ron Weasley/Hermione Granger, Minerva McGonagall

Rating: R/Adult

Content Info: *AU, EWE *

Summary: After leaving the Aurors, Harry takes over as Potions master for Hogwarts, and discovers a mystery in the most unlikely place.

Disclaimer: The world of HP and its characters belongs to Rowling.

Word count: ~16,000

Author Notes: r_grayjoy, hope you enjoy this. I tried to include as many of your requests as I could. Happy Snapely Holidays!
A special thank you to my beta reader, to my writing group, and to the mods for again hosting this fabulous Snape love fest.

( Raising Severus )

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Dec. 11th, 2010 @ 12:24 am Gift fic for chaos_rose, Right Nor Wrong, adult

Recipient: chaos_rose

Author: kelly_chambliss

Title: Right nor Wrong

Characters: Severus Snape, Argus Filch, Minerva McGonagall, Dolores Umbridge, Mrs Norris

Rating: Adult

Content Info: *Voyeurism, masturbation*

Summary: In Greek mythology, Argus the guardian of Io is sometimes said to have a hundred eyes. In the wizarding world, Argus the caretaker of Hogwarts has only two eyes, but he sees a great deal all the same.

Disclaimer: The world of HP and its characters belongs to Rowling.

Word count: ~11,800

Author Notes: Such a great prompt, [info]chaos_rose. I was sorely tempted by the notion of Severus and Minerva as Holmes and Watson, but that was before Argus shoved his oar in and demanded to be part of it all. I thought about transfiguring him into Mrs Hudson, but he didn't like the idea. So here is the story he wanted told. If the kink level is too low, please blame him.

If this story is worth reading, it's because I have a BBE (best beta ever). Thank you! And thank you, mods.

( Right nor Wrong )

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Jan. 1st, 2010 @ 12:07 am fic for janus 'Decisions Made in Haste' (Snape/Regulus)

Fic for: [info]janus
Title: Decisions Made in Haste
Author: [info]eeyore9990

Pairing: Severus/Regulus
Rating: NC-17
Warnings/Content Info: highlight between brackets if you prefer story warnings:
[Slightly underage (Regulus)]
Summary: Severus rarely made hasty decisions…
Disclaimer: The world of HP and its characters belongs to Rowling. The author of this fic has borrowed them for the purposes of storytelling. No profit was or will be made.
Word count: ~2,620
Author Notes: A huge thank you to L for the beta and to the mods for their patience. Happy holidays, [info]janus!

Fic for janus )

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Dec. 31st, 2009 @ 12:06 am fic for kelly_chambliss 'In Memory of Sigmund Freud' (Snape/McGonagall, Snape/Moody)

Fic for: [info]kelly_chambliss
Title: In Memory of Sigmund Freud
Author: [info]atdelphi

Pairing: Snape/McGonagall, Snape/Moody
Rating: NC-17
Warnings/Kinks: highlight between brackets if you prefer story warnings:
[Mother and father issues, oblivious narrators, and 20th century poetry.
additional warning/kink note from the mods: dub-con & consensual sex, alcohol use & disabled sex
Summary: Severus Snape spends his first summer holiday away from teaching cloistered at a remote house in strange company, not least his own.
Disclaimer: The world of Harry Potter and its characters belong to JK Rowling. The author of this fic has borrowed them for the purposes of storytelling. No profit was or will be made.
Word count: ~20,000
Author's note: Many thanks to my ever-patient beta readers. The title of this story is taken from that of a W.H. Auden poem; unnamed quotations herein are taken from Auden's A New Age and Roman Wall Blues respectively. Happy holidays, kelly_chambliss!

Fic for kelly_chambliss )

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Dec. 26th, 2009 @ 12:48 am fic for fluffyllama 'A Place Between Sleep and Waking' (Snape/Harry)

Fic for: [info]fluffyllama
Title: A Place Between Sleep and Waking
Author: [info]r_grayjoy

Pairing: Snape/Harry
Rating: NC-17
Warnings/Content Info: highlight between brackets if you prefer story warnings:
[no nasty surprises]
Summary: More than a year after Voldemort's defeat, Harry is still having nightmares about Snape's death. When his dreams gradually begin to change, so do his perceptions. Ultimately, Harry discovers that when one lives in both the past and the future, it's difficult to find one's present. [EWE]
Disclaimer: The world of HP and its characters belongs to Rowling. The author of this fic has borrowed them for the purposes of storytelling. No profit has been made, as evidenced by the sorry state of the author's bank account.
Word count: ~29.000
Author Notes: We seem to share a lot of likes, [info]fluffyllama, so I hope this fic will suit your fancy. Happy holidays!

My enormous gratitude to The E.R. -- my emergency cheerleaders who were available 24 hours -- and the utterly awesome Flying Violet Cat Beta Team. I could never have pulled this off without you all!

Thanks also to the [info]snapelyholidays mods for continuing this fabulous fest.

Fic for fluffyllama )

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Dec. 20th, 2009 @ 01:46 am fic for shiv5468 'An Exchange Of Hostages' (SS/LM & SS/LM/HG)

Fic for: [info]shiv5468
Title: An Exchange of Hostages
Author: [info]leela_cat

Pairing: Severus/Lucius, Severus/Lucius/Hermione
Rating: NC-17
Warnings/Content Info: highlight between brackets if you prefer story warnings:
Summary: For a Parselmouth, the Dark Mark is far more than a tattoo. For four former Death Eaters sentenced to life imprisonment, it's a chance at freedom and a future outside of Gravesend Prison.
Disclaimer: The world of HP and its characters belongs to Rowling. The author of this fic has borrowed them for the purposes of storytelling. No profit was or will be made.
Word count: ~16,260
Author Notes: Happy Holidays, [info]shiv5468. You mentioned Post war, coming to terms with their new lives, meaningful glances and coded conversations, and Hermione comes to see them; and my imagination created this story. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it for you.
Many thanks to my betas: E, F, and M.

Fic for shiv5468 )

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Dec. 11th, 2009 @ 02:35 am fic for atdelphi 'The Caretaker' (Snape/Filch)

Fic for: [info]atdelphi
Title: The Caretaker
Author: [info]bethbethbeth

Pairing: Snape/Filch
Rating: R
Warnings/Content Info: highlight between brackets if you prefer story warnings:
[Masturbation, Voyeurism, Random Drunkenness, Innuendo, A Healthy Imagination]
Summary: "The world, as Argus Filch saw it, could be divided into two distinct groups: those who existed to cause him trouble and those who didn't."
Disclaimer: The world of HP and its characters belongs to Rowling. The author of this fic has borrowed them for the purposes of storytelling. No profit was or will be made.
Word count: ~3,730
Author Notes: Many thanks to Femme for a last-minute beta, to the Mods for their extreme forbearance, and to Delphi for giving me the opportunity to write this pairing! (Note - the one familiar line of dialogue comes from Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone)

Fic for atdelphi )
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